Hello everyone! Hope your week is going well. Today’s AAA is for Leanne, whose boyfriend has just moved into her house (exciting times!) but as I remember well, the merging or two people’s belongings can be a bit overwhelming – I still haven’t got over it and have the enormous speakers stored under my bed to prove it! Leanne is struggling with DVD storage, which I know is a common problem and I need to tell you now that I HATE CD’s and DVD’s. My immediate thought would be bag them all up and and drop them off at the charity shop, which is what I want to do with Jules’s collection. However, I realise that not all people think the same way as I do (I’ll do anything for more space and less clutter), nor do they have the same priorities (beauty over function). All that being said, I have tried to come up with some compromises…
1. Remove the boxes
If you are struggling with storage space remove the DVD or CD boxes, buy plastic covers and file them. Brilliant.
But then I hear Jules’s voice saying: “I need to be able to see the titles at a glance otherwise I will forget what I’ve got.” So, we move on to option number two…

Image from: Hi Sugar Plum
2. File in boxes
If the aesthetics of DVD and CD boxes bothers you, what about storing them in filing boxes? This looks neat and tidy, they won’t get dusty and is more aesthetically pleasing than shelves full of DVD’s.

Image from: Buzzfeed
3. Use a sideboard or chest of drawers
In my home, I bought a G-Plan sideboard as our AV unit because real AV units make me feel sick. Literally. I’m sorry if you have one, but I can not pretend for a second to like them. In the sideboard we use the large drawer for CD’s and DVD’s, because I am not allowed to get rid of them.
4. Beautiful shelves
And if none of the options above work for you and you simply must store all of your CD’s and DVD’s on shelves, you need to make sure that they are beautiful shelves to offset the unsightly DVD box. The String Pocket shelves are the perfect size for this, as seen below.

Image from: Seventy Tree
I’m sorry that I didn’t mince my words. Leanne, I hope this has been helpful!
Katy x
I feel your pain! When my partner moved in, he brought about 800 DVDs with him. Our solution was to get rid of the plastic cases and put them in storage folders which zip up (and were then hidden in a cupboard). However he also scans them all with a bar code scanner and so stores all the details in an easily searchable excel file (that’s what happens when you marry a geek!) I do like your sideboard storage though, and am totally with you on AV units.
Eeeek! 800 DVDs? I’d have to send him packing again 😉 x
I love that alphabetised system – we really need something like that. Our DVDs are still in boxes because there are too many of them and I can’t face unpacking them into space we don’t have! This looks like it would be a good, compact solution…
Yes, I like that option too. May take a little while but think about all the space you’ll save x
Great way to decorate the shelves and get all the stuff utilized thanks for sharing DVD Duplication Scotland