As I said a couple of weeks ago, it’s time for us to make some changes to our flat because I have such itchy feet. I desperately want to move to the period home of my dreams but, alas, London house prices have gone through the roof!
I posted last week about choosing a new floor for our sitting room, kitchen and hallway. Today, I want to chat through my plans to makeover our hallway – which I hate! It has got to be the most boring, dull, generic hallway I have ever seen and it makes me cry inside.
This is what the hallway looks like now…
All of the rooms in the flat come off this hallway and there are three cupboards so, in total, there are SEVEN – yes seven – of these monstrous wooden doors. There are no windows, so no natural light and the same horrible, beige carpet that I want to get rid of from the sitting room runs through the hallway. I love the vintage poster that is hung on the wall, but it was only ever put up as a temporary gap-filler – it doesn’t fit there at all.
These are my plans to make this small space more of a design statement, rather than an unpleasant passage to the other rooms.
1) Replace carpet with wooden floor.
2) Try and find a beautiful runner (I have been looking for the last three years!)
3) Paint the walls in one of Little Greene’s French Greys – not sure which shade yet.
4) Add Jane Cumberbatch’s ‘Toast’ striped border halfway up the wall all the way round the hallway.
5) Paint all of the doors white and change the handles. This is going to be an arduous job but I hope it will be well worth it.
6) Add some interesting art work – I love Double Merrick’s new Swimmer print.
7) Buy a vintage hallway table and mirror.
8) Add an interesting wall light as we only have spot lights, which can feel very overbearing at times..

Little Greene paint.

Toast wallpaper border to go half way up the walls.

I’m really enjoying Double Merrick’s new print.
Now I just need to find a weekend to make it happen!
Katy x