Living room before makeover

I started a living room and kitchen makeover waaaay back in January. Whilst most of the big stuff was done by February, after a few crazy DIY weekend sessions, everything started to drag after that due to delays in furniture deliveries, which meant I couldn’t pull the whole room together until last month. However, it is finally done and I love it, which is the main thing. The flat as a whole feels so much more cohesive and fresh now and even more importantly, the room works so much better on a practical level, which makes Jules very happy.

Today, I just wanted to remind you of what the room was like ‘before’ and show you a few snaps mid-decorating and then I will share the full room reveal later on this week, so keep your eyes peeled.


What I didn’t like:

– I didn’t buy any of the furniture for this room; it was all stuff from my previous flat. Therefore, it never felt like it quite fitted and a few of the pieces were too big for this space.

– I got tired of the mish-mash style and craved simplicity and a calmer vibe.

– The teal blue loveseat blocked out too much light from the south facing floor to ceiling window, which always felt a bit criminal.

– From a practical point of view the room did not work. The sofa was too small for all of us (including Otto) to sit on together comfortably (I like to lie out). The rug was being destroyed by Otto as it is so thin and delicate and it showed up his hair really badly. Also, the position of the dining table didn’t quite work because  I would sit at one end and Jules would sit in the middle and because we weren’t directly facing each other it wasn’t very conducive to chatting or lingering after eating.

– There was very little storage.

What I sold:

– Teal loveseat

– Sofa

– G-plan sideboard

– Hanging pendants

– Wall mirror

– Lloyd Loom chair

– Large ceramic table lamp

– Retro yellow table lamp

– Gave back my mum’s school trunk to her and kept the kilim rug for the future when I have a house big enough for a dog-free room 😉




Open plan dining_sitting room

During decorating

I packed Jules and Otto off for a week to stay with his mum so that I could paint the living room, kitchen and re-paint the floors white (they were pale grey). Big clumsy dogs and paint don’t mix very well so I had to get it all done before they came back. By this point I had sold most of the furniture, which made it so much easier on a practical level, but once I had cleared out the remaining few bits I had a blank canvas to get started on the paint job.

After attending the preview for the nine new Farrow & Ball colours I fell in love with Peignoir and decided that it would be the perfect colour for the living room. I have to say, after using quite a few different brands of paint, that using Farrow & Ball paint is a completely different league. The ease with which if goes onto the walls and how smoothly it dries is something else. I really believe it is worth every penny, especially if, like me, you do the decorating yourself. I only had to do two coats and even Jules was pleasantly surprised at how professional the finish was when he returned (I am a bit notorious for rushing jobs like these so he was anxious that I wasn’t going to do a good job of it!).


Normally, I would have started by ‘cutting in’ but for some very good reason, which escapes me right now, I had to start by rollering the walls. It all worked out well in the end though. These are terrible snaps that I kept on sending Jules as he was anxious about Peignoir being too pink. It is very grey a lot of the time so he really likes the colour.




Once I had finished the walls I re-painted the floors white as grey floors with Peignoir felt a bit muddy and crisp white woodwork and floors helps to keep it feeling fresh and modern.

So, I will be back later on this week with the final reveal of the room and the new furniture and accessories that I have chosen for this space. The week after that I’ll show you the kitchen makeover, which goes off the living room to the right (as you can see in that picture above).

Katy x

Something to Dwell on…

I have spent this week with my flat in complete chaos. Katharine Peachey came to shoot my kitchen and living room so that I can finally share the changes I have made with you next week – hurrah! Around that I squeezed in some styling for Dwell to showcase a few of their lovely products in my home. I think it’s a great idea to be able to see homewares in situ, especially if you like buying online like I do, as standard product shots sometimes don’t do the item justice.

I chose a variety of accessories to show you, picking up on the current copper and blush trend with a copper table lamp, a beautiful wool rug (I have been lusting after one of these Berber style rugs since forever – gutted I can’t keep it!) and a few bits to add a different feel to my bedroom.

Look forward to hearing what you think…

Dwell copper cage light | House plants | Copper watering can | Ikea Besta sideboard | Apartment Apothecary

My newly painted living room in Farrow & Ball’s Peignoir provides the perfect blush pink backdrop for this striking copper table lamp. I love the combination of pink, copper and green plants.

My home office seemed like the obvious spot for this gorgeous wool rug. If it was going to stay here permanently I would make it a monochromatic scheme and get rid of the blue accents. Alas, this soft, sumptuous rug is being collected today and even Otto will be sad to see it go!

Dwell Berber rug | Home office | Apartment Apothecary

Sousse wool rug (this is the large size 160x230cm which is currently unavailable but will be back in stock soon).

Dwell Berber rug | Home office | Apartment Apothecary

Dwell Berber rug | Golden Retriever | Apartment Apothecary

I fell in love with this grey bedspread when I did some in store styling for Dwell and it’s amazing how different my bedroom feels replacing the pink accents with this lovely grey. This colour is so calming and the quilt itself is so soft and luxurious. At this time of year I like to pack my feather duvet away and use a linen sheet and a quilt for the warmer nights.

This lovely Alabaster pot is actually sold as a toothbrush holder but it makes a perfect vase or pen pot and the marble and wood board is ideal for tea in bed.

It always amazes me how adding just one statement piece to a room can completely transform how it feels so I really enjoyed seeing the rooms in my flat look and feel totally different to me for a short while. It’s got me thinking…ok, I am promising to myself that I am not going to do anymore DIY or major changes for at least six months. After that though, you never know!

Katy x


*This post was written in collaboration with Dwell.

A unique Georgian home in Hampstead

As you all know, I love snooping round other people’s homes and when I come across a house that is as full of beautiful details and unique finds as Celia’s I could spend hours listening to the story of every object, walking from room to room in awe and roaming the wonderful garden. I caught up with Celia, who set up childrenswear label La Coqueta three years ago, to tell me more about her Georgian home nestled in the green folds of Hampstead Heath and her inspiration behind both her interior style and the traditional Spanish style clothes that she sells both online and from her first shop, also located in Hampstead.

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“I am originally from Spain and moved to London when I finished my studies back in 2001. I have been living in London since with my husband and five little children – Flavia (8), Lucas (6), Siena (5), Bosco (4), Hugo (3).

My background is in Psychology but I have always had a passion for childrenswear. When I had my first child, Flavia, people would stop me in the street to ask where they could buy the clothes my daughter was wearing. These were nearly always the items I had purchased from my hometown in Southern Spain (very similar to the styles I use to wear as a little girl). This reinforced a gut feeling I had that there was a gap in the UK market for beautiful, well-made Spanish children’s clothes. I felt the key to success was to design pieces with a luxury feel, with an affordable price tag. I decided to create my own collection, working closely with family-run Spanish manufacturers and tried all the samples on my own children to ensure they were pieces my customers and I would love and also so that I could give first hand advice regarding size, fit and garment care. I opened my first shop in 2013 and La Coqueta was born. Now I balance my time between being a busy mum and being a business owner and designer.”

Where do you live and with whom?

“I live in Hampstead (North London) with my husband and five children, next to the biggest park in town, Hampstead Heath, which we visit every weekend. It’s a little bit like living in the countryside but in the heart of the city.”

Tell me about your home and what made you choose to live there.

“My home is an old Georgian farm that dates from the XVIII. It’s located next to Hampstead Heath and feels a little bit like a doll house, there is not a single corner that looks the same. For some people, not having straight walls or different size doors may be unpractical, we think it’s full of charm. We have a total of 6 bedrooms (two of them are tiny!), a living room, a dining room and a kitchen. It has a garden and at the back of it, a vegetable garden which we use regularly to grow our own produce and cook it. It’s the best nanny when the summer arrives!

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For my husband and I our top priority has always been to have a big family and with that, having a home which we love has always been part of our dream. Every move we’ve done since we met has always been geared towards having the nicest house we could afford and make it a home where we could grow our family together. We found out this house was for sale through friends of ours and we chased it for over a year until the owner decided to sell to us. We love the fact that this house has a lot of history and is located in a very quiet part of the neighbourhood, next to the Heath, so that we can visit it every time we fancy going for a walk. Our home is our little paradise, a great escape from any daily stress coming from work.”

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What improvements have you made to your home?

“At the moment we haven’t done much. When we moved in, the house was very run down, it had lots of leaks, carpet everywhere and was just not very well taken care of. We decided to give it a face lift by painting it all white (in the bedrooms) and make it a lot more personal on the ground floor. It’s amazing what a lick of paint can do and in a matter of weeks, the house looked completely different. We are planning to do building works in a couple of years, once we get to know each other well and then find out what we want to do.”

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Where do you find inspiration?

“I am inspired by XVIII century French antiques, the Vertgaland spirit and anything that surrounds Marie Antoinette, the wife of Louis XVI of France. In another life I would have chosen that time, without the guillotine! I’m inspired by French and gustavian XVIII century interiors… and I like to combine these with more contemporary pieces. I love displaying objects that I have collected during my life during a trip or that represent an important time in my life… This could be a shell picked up at the bottom of the ocean, a beautifully carved marble box bought in Rajasthan, Eucalyptus picked up from a special place… I love being surrounded by things that have lots of sentimental value to me and my family.”

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Does your interior style feed into your work in any way?

“This is a very interesting question… It’s not conscious but I think my interiors and my clothes hold hands… I have a very classic style when it comes to decorating my home but I like mixing it with more contemporary pieces. My clothes I guess are the same, classic with a modern twist through the use of colourful accessories and contemporary styling. My clothes look great in my interiors, possibly because I originally make clothes for my own children and I always imagine them in my home as this is where we spend most of our time.”

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Favourite shops or places to buy furniture/homewares?

“I like to collect pieces that tell a story, I often pick up decorative objects on my travels and love vintage finds. I head to Phoenix on Golborne Road for interesting vintage furniture and one-off pieces. I head to Church street for beautiful rugs or lovely Scandinavian finds. For more contemporary pieces, in particular, for the children’s bedding I shop at Camomile London and Molly Meg for furniture. I also love to fill the house with succulents and flowers from Clifton Nurseries. When I go to Paris, I always visit Arnaud Catel who has the most wonderful pieces (real XVIII century, no copies).”

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Describe your perfect day spent at home.

“My perfect day is always spent with my husband and my children, alone in our home without having anything in particular to do. We love our little weekend routine… breakfast all together (my husband does the cooking), all going to the Saturday market together and picking our favourite food, cooking a delicious meal together, spending time together in the afternoon and then going for a walk on the Heath. Generally it’s all around our home, garden, food and wine. It is fairly basic but that’s really what makes us happy and fulfilled.”

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Thank you so much to Celia for letting us nose round her stunning home and do pop over to La Coqueta to see more of her beautiful designs.

Katy x


How to make a tufted cushion

I have a new beauteous chair that is desperate for a new cushion but the one I want is £60 and too big for the chair so instead I have tried to make my own.


I bought one blush pink linen pillowcase that I cut up to make a set of napkins and I had one half of the case left, which was the perfect size for a small cushion (the case only cost £12 so to get napkins and a cushion out of it is pretty good value). With a self covered button I knew I could make it look as good as one of these amazing HAY cushions that I wanted originally.

How to make a tufted cushion | Cushion tutorial | Blush pink linen cushion | Apartment Apothecary


You will need:

Linen fabric (size dependent on how big you want your cushion to be)

Stuffing 250g for a cushion that measures 30 x 20cm

Co-ordinating thread and embroidery floss

Fine needle and large needle

Self cover buttons 22mm

Fabric scissors

How to make a tufted cushion | Cushion tutorial | Blush pink linen cushion | Apartment Apothecary


1. Make your self cover button following these instructions from one of my previous sewing tutorials.

2. Cut out two pieces of identical sized fabric and lay them right sides together. Sew all the way round the case leaving a 10cm gap to stuff the cushion (the cover will not be removable).

How to make a tufted cushion | Cushion tutorial | Blush pink linen cushion | Apartment Apothecary

3. Cut away the corners of the case and trim off excess seam allowance.

4. Turn the cover inside out, iron and mark the centre point on both side of the case.

5. Stuff the cushion as evenly as possible.

6. Turn the raw edge of the gap in and whip stitch it closed by hand.

7. Thread a large needle with the embroidery floss. Pass the needle and thread through the marked centre point on the back of the cushion all the way through the stuffing and come out through the marked centre point on the front of the cushion. Thread on the button at this point and then pass the needle back through the centre of the cushion (a few millimetres from where you came out the first time) and take it out of the back of the cushion.

How to make a tufted cushion | Cushion tutorial | Blush pink linen cushion | Apartment Apothecary

8. You should have two tails of thread poking out of the back of the cushion now with the button at the front. Pull the two tails as tightly as possible to create the tufted look and tie the tails together in a triple knot. Cut off the excess thread.

How to make a tufted cushion | Cushion tutorial | Blush pink linen cushion | Apartment Apothecary

All done! So easy and so much cheaper than the original and I love it.

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If you are looking for some lovely home craft projects as we head into the warmer months of the year there is a brilliant new craft mag that is on sale until May 13th that you need to check out. A few of my lovely blogger pals have projects in the magazine and there is loads of inspiration to be had. You can buy the magazine here.

How to make a tufted cushion | Cushion tutorial | Blush pink linen cushion | Apartment Apothecary

How to make a tufted cushion | Cushion tutorial | Blush pink linen cushion | Apartment Apothecary

Have you got any home craft projects planned?

Katy x


Styling the Seasons – May

May is definitely one of my favourite months. There’s warmth in the sunshine, the parks in London look so beautiful and it’s definitely a time to really enjoy the city and take as many opportunities to get out into the countryside, too. We got up early yesterday morning and took Otto for a walk in our local park before all the picnics and football games as neither of these are safe with our dog around. I very bravely took my vintage basket and some scissors to snip a few blooms for a May Day posy. I think I have shared here before that I am terrified of being told off for picking wild flowers in parks even though I have been assured it is absolutely fine. I can happily tell you no park wardens chased me home so I think I’m safe for now.

Styling the Seasons - May | May day posy | Apartment Apothecary

I found the first few stems of Cow Parsley, a couple of remaining Bluebells, sweet smelling Lily of the Valley and a tiny fallen branch of blossom. I also cut a few flowers from my Hellebore plant on my balcony, which have gone to seed. This little posy of flowers represents the end of Spring for me and the beginning of Summer, which is how I view May. Flowers are set to feature heavily in this coming month as I have a flower arranging workshop booked in and I’ve been invited to the Chelsea Flower Show, which I am BEYOND excited about.

Styling the Seasons - May | May day posy | Apartment Apothecary

When we got home, after a pitstop at the market for fresh pastries and coffee, I put my posy together in a jam jar and looped some string around it to hang on my neighbour’s front door to celebrate May Day. To find out more about this Pagan tradition pop over to Lou’s blog and use the hashtag #MayDayPosies if you want to share a picture of yours.

Styling the Seasons - May | May day posy | Apartment Apothecary

Styling the Seasons - May | May day posy | Apartment Apothecary

Styling the Seasons - May | May day posy | Apartment Apothecary

What does May mean to you? Charlotte and I would love to know and see your styled surfaces. It is such a worthwhile process to stop, reflect and re-style a surface in your home to represent the coming month. Tag me and Lotts and Lots and use the hashtag #StylingTheSeasons – either write a blog post or post a pic on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

Happy May styling everybody!

Katy x