Oreo truffle recipe

I don’t allow sugar in our house because I gave it up years ago so poor old Jules can feel a bit deprived at times. This Christmas I made him gingerbread syrup for his coffee, which he loves, and for Valentine’s day I have made him the sweetest (and easiest) chocolates in the world. I used to work with Shannon, who is from Texas, and every time there was a cake day, celebration or end of year party you should have seen the delights she would bake, make and decorate. What I liked best was when she made a typical American recipe like the Oreo truffles I want to show you today. I don’t think I even knew what an Oreo was before Shannon made these truffles but it was before I had given up sugar so I can remember how good they were. They are perfect for a quick homemade present, to make with your kids or if you need an intense sugar hit – they are seriously sweet and rich.

I made the chocolate box extra special with some customised wrapping paper from Wrap.me – yes, that is my face plastered all over it. Jules, you had better open this present carefully! This is such a great product and so easy to create. All you have to do is hand pick photos from your Facebook, Instagram, computer or phone that you want to feature on your wrapping paper – it’s so much fun going through old photos. I went through my Instagram account and chose the really cheesy ones of me and Jules, made them all black and white and uploaded them to the Wrap.me site – a really, really simple process. You can choose up to thirty different photos and, of course, you can have as much colour as you want to. Wrap presents or buy a roll and do a little craft project like making a notebook cover (a two metre roll only costs £9.99).

I had to get a photo of Otto in (obvs) sporting a dashing comb-over courtesy of my hair. In fact, I may have to create a whole roll of Otto wrapping paper – he’s got his own hashtag on Instagram so I’ve got plenty of shots to choose from (true fact – look up #ottoorme!).

How to make Oreo truffles | Apartment Apothecary

Wrap.me photo wrapping paper | Apartment Apothecary

Order your photo wrapping paper from Wrap.me.

But now back to the chocolates. Here’s how to make them…


To make approx 12 truffles

1 pack of Oreo biscuits

80g of full fat cream cheese

Melted dark or white chocolate (use dark if you want to tone down the sweetness slightly)

Decorations or leftover cookie crumbs

How to make Oreo truffles | Apartment Apothecary


1. Blitz the cookies in your food processor to a fine crumb (keep a few crumbs to one side for decorating the truffles).

2. Add the cream cheese to the blitzed cookies and combine well so that you end up with a firmish dough – you don’t want it to be too sticky so add the cream cheese bit by bit.

3. Roll the dough into small balls, place on a tray covered in grease proof paper and put into the freezer for at least 20 minutes.

How to make Oreo truffles | Apartment Apothecary

4. Melt your chocolate over a bain marie. Pop a ball onto the end of a kebab stick and spoon over the melted chocolate until it is covered and allow any excess to drip off. Place back onto the grease proof paper and decorate with anything you fancy or the leftover cookie crumb before the melted chocolate hardens. Refrigerate for at least one hour or until you are ready to gift them (or stuff them all into your own gob!).

How to make Oreo truffles | Apartment Apothecary

Cake decorations are so on trend at the moment as I managed to get edible ‘copper crunch’ and ‘blush glitter’ to decorate my truffles 😉 I also covered an old Christmas bauble box with some Mini Moderns wallpaper to create a chocolate box.

How to make Oreo truffles | Apartment Apothecary

How to make Oreo truffles | Apartment Apothecary

I hope you try and enjoy the recipe and thank you to lovely Shannon for the idea.

Wrap.me photo wrapping paper | Apartment Apothecary

All packaged up and ready for Valentine’s day – just hope Jules doesn’t read this post!

Katy x

P.S. For more great ideas from some of my blogging friends for how to use this photo wrapping paper pop over to our shared Pinterest board

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Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Wrap.me in collaboration with Nuffnang.

Weekend Inspiration

Happy weekend everybody! I’ve been longing for more light this week and so I wanted to show you this Dutch home that was converted from a children’s nursery. The enormous windows and doors flood the space with natural light, which bounces around the home from the white floors and walls. The choice of furniture is a clever mix of modern and antique, colourful and natural, all of which can shine against the beautiful backdrop of this unique building.

Like all homes that I show you here, you may not like everything about this house but the point is to search out the elements that inspire you, that you can relate to, that make you want to recreate them in your own home. Personally, I feel quite inspired by the collection of dining chairs, the collection of green glass on top of the drawers and the arrangement of art. How about you?

Children's nursery conversion | Apartment Apothecary

Children's nursery conversion | Apartment Apothecary

Children's nursery conversion | Apartment Apothecary

Children's nursery conversion | Apartment Apothecary

Children's nursery conversion | Apartment Apothecary

Children's nursery conversion | Apartment Apothecary

Children's nursery conversion | Apartment Apothecary

Children's nursery conversion | Apartment Apothecary

All photographs were taken by Jansje Klazinga for VT Wonen. Pop over to see more images.

Have a wonderful one!

Katy x


Fabric envelope tutorial

I really hope you liked my Styling the Seasons post this month. The styling is based around the theme of love and the letters I will be writing to my loved ones for Valentine’s Day. I usually send shop bought cards but this year I decided to go one better and make pretty floral and gingham fabric envelopes with fabric I was sent by Laura Ashley.

If you would like to make these sweet gifts yourself, they are a really quick and easy sewing project and you can’t go far wrong.

What you will need:

Envelope template

Two pieces of fabric exactly the same shape and size as the envelope template (if you are using light weight fabric you will also need interfacing, but I used medium weight cotton). I used Laura Ashley’s Clarissa print, pink gingham, scarlet gingham, and Geranium print.


Fabric scissors


Needle and thread (or fabric glue)

Iron and sewing machine

To do:

How to make fabric envelopes | Apartment Apothecary

a. Draw around the envelope template with a pencil on to two pieces of fabric (one piece will be the lining and one piece for the outside of the envelope).

How to make fabric envelopes | Apartment Apothecary

b. Pin the two pieces of fabric right sides together.

How to make fabric envelopes | Apartment Apothecary

c. Sew the two pieces of fabric together and leave a 5 cm gap so you can turn it inside out. Once you have turned it inside out, press and slip-stitch the gap closed (or use fabric glue).

How to make fabric envelopes | Apartment Apothecary

d. Fold your envelope back together using the template to help you. 1. Fold the two sides of the envelope in and press. 2. Fold the bottom of the envelope up and press. 3. Fold the top of the envelope down and press. 4. Your envelope is now nearly complete.

How to make fabric envelopes | Apartment Apothecary

e. Slip-stitch the sides of the envelope to the bottom so that the folds are secure. You can do this using fabric glue instead of stitching it – just pop a piece of paper in to the envelope so that the glue doesn’t seep through. Finished!

Have you got any lovely makes planned for this month? I have seen some amazing Valentine’s wreaths that are simply beautiful. Pop back next week for a super quick homemade chocolates recipe that I will be making for Jules (poor boy never gets to eat sugar as I don’t let in the house so I like to treat him occasionally!).

Don’t forget to visit the Laura Ashley blog on the 10th and 11th of February to vote for your favourite Styling the Seasons blog post to be in for a chance to win a £50 voucher (and don’t forget that I am your favourite blogger!!).

Katy x


Styling the Seasons – February

This month’s Styling the Seasons is a little different to previous months as lovely Laura Ashley got in touch and very kindly offered some of the bloggers who regularly take part in our monthly styling challenge a few pieces from the new SS15 collection to use in February’s posts. On the 10th and 11th of February you will be able to see the twelve blog posts on the Laura Ashley blog and you can vote for your favourite one (as an extra incentive to vote you will enter the hat to win a £50 Laura Ashley voucher).

So, what did I choose from the new collection for my styling this month? When I think about what February means to me the one thing that instantly comes to mind is love. I’m not a massive fan of Valentine’s Day from a romantic point of view but since Jules proposed to me on that day last year, it has become special to me. However, it has always been a day to show everyone around me that I love them, not exclusively my partner. I think this stems from my mum because she would always give us a Valentines Day card and present so I began doing the same for my friends and my sisters over the years. Therefore, my styling had to include my Valentine makes that I will be gifting this month so I chose some fabric and wallpaper to get crafty with.

I chose to style the antique bureau that I was given by my parents for my seventh birthday because this is where I keep all my sentimental bits and bobs and the things that my loved ones have given me like old letters, photographs and mementoes…

Styling the Seasons - February | Apartment Apothecary

Styling the Seasons - February | Apartment Apothecary

Valentine’s Day macarons for friends and family.

Styling the Seasons - February | Apartment Apothecary

I chose to style the antique bureau that I was given for my seventh birthday because it is where I keep sentimental mementoes and February always makes me think of love. The mirror belonged to my grandmother.

Styling the Seasons - February | Apartment Apothecary

I made some fabric envelopes for letters that I will send to friends and my sisters. I used Laura Ashley’s Clarissa print, pink gingham, scarlet gingham, and Geranium print.

Styling the Seasons - February | Apartment Apothecary

Precious letters that were sent to me when I was a small child by my great aunty Vera and my grandparents who lived in Ireland. I made some glittery tags for Valentine’s presents that are covered in Laura Ashley Geranium wallpaper and glitter.

Inside bureau

I have a little bundle of mementoes that I have collected since Jules and I have been together, including postcards from places we have visited, menus from special meals we’ve had, hotels we’ve stayed in, cards we’ve given each other. The nostalgia from looking through this bundle is so much stronger than photographs of those events.

Styling the Seasons - February | Apartment Apothecary

I covered little gift boxes in Laura Ashley’s Geranium wallpaper for Valentines gifts of chocolates and macarons.

Styling the Seasons - February | Apartment Apothecary

My little drawer of special things including the cork of the bottle of wine that I gave to Jules the month after we met. I bought the wine in France after a wine tasting holiday and I was told not to drink it for at least three years. Jules and I drank it last year on Valentine’s Day after he proposed.

Styling the Seasons - February | Apartment Apothecary

Styling the Seasons - February | Apartment Apothecary

I will post a tutorial to show you how to make the fabric envelopes as they are very simple but so sweet. You could even get fancy and embroider the name of the recipient on the front of the envelope.

So, what does February mean to you? I can’t wait to see your Styling the Seasons shots – just post them on any social media platform and use the #stylingtheseasons hashtag and don’t forget to tag me and Charlotte of Lotts and Lots.

Hope to see you over on the Laura Ashley blog on the 10th and 11th of February and don’t forget to vote for your favourite styling (mine, right?!).

Katy x

P.S. See my Styling the Seasons posts for: September, October, November, December and January. Also, you can see all of the Styling the Seasons blog posts (nearly 200 of them now!) on my Pinterest board.


January – A review

I have to say that Styling the Seasons brightened up my January no end; the styling has been so fresh, vital and optimistic. I didn’t quite know what to expect from January and I had no idea how everyone would interpret the month but I loved the contrast between the cosy, festive styling of December and this month’s light and breezy style. Every time I have seen a new shot of the lovely corners of your homes I have been more and more inspired to cherish my time at home and try to focus on the sometimes hidden beauty of January.

My absolute favourite came quite early in the month and I instantly fell in love with it. It was styled by Laura who hasn’t taken part in Styling the Seasons before, which makes it even better as I love discovering new blogs. I loved the fact that so many new faces appeared behind the hashtag this month. You must check out Laura’s gorgeous blog and the story behind her styling over on We Made This Home

Styling the Seasons by We MAde This Home | Apartment Apothecary

Another favourite was also from someone who took part for the first time this month and that is Caroline’s amazing ‘shelfie’ – err, how jealous are you of that shelf?! Caroline writes the gorgeous blog Scraps of Us.

Styling the Seasons by Scraps of Us| Apartment Apothecary

A couple of other styled shots that actually made me gasp when I saw them were Charlotte’s (I know I shouldn’t really choose her but I genuinely loved her post) and Emma’s from The Vintage Good Life. I think the textures, colours and life of their styling are just beautiful and captured so wonderfully well.

Styling the Seasons by The Vintage Good Life and Lotts and Lots | Apartment Apothecary

I really hope you have found some inspiration from this month’s shots and could you be thinking about joining us in February? Next month we are teaming up with Laura Ashley to make it a bit more exciting and to celebrate their new Spring 2015 collection. Twelve bloggers will be styling the seasons as normal but everybody gets the chance to vote for which one you like the best. If you vote, you will be in for the chance to win a £50 Laura Ashley voucher.

If you need inspiration for next month take a look at all of the wonderful posts that were written and styled in January as well as hopping over to Instagram to see all of the amazing shots there – just search the hashtag. We are beyond thrilled that so many of these bloggers have joined us for the first time so do drop by and say hi:

We Made This Home / Growing Spaces / Tea with Ruby / Camellia Rose / Afkes / Re-made by Sam / The Lovely Drawer / The Cabinet Maker’s Love Tale / Alltomkerstin / A Crafty Alternative / The Ordinary Lovely / Chasing My Village / The Vintage Good Life / This Little Space of Mine / The Villa on Mount Pleasant / Beak Up Crafts / Littlegreenshed / Colourliving / Sew A Little Love / Claireabellemakes / Geoffrey and Grace / Gathered CheerDaisy Fay /Lapin Blu / Scraps of Us / A Quiet Style / Cate St. Hill / Really Pretty Useful / Lobster and Swan / Living In London / Made by Molu / Wild and Grizzly / Makelight / Something I Made / Sew SimoneLotts and Lots / Apartment Apothecary

We really hope you join us next month – I’ll be back on Monday with my February post.

Katy x