Dried flowers at home during winter

Are we all getting bored of winter yet? One of the things I don’t like about this season is the dark; it makes blogging original content so much more difficult as there is such a short window of light during which I can take half way decent photographs (I find this difficult enough without having so little natural light). Saying that, I took all of the photos below on a really dark day so they have been photo-shopped within an inch of their lives!

Another thing I find difficult about winter is the lack of colour outside. I miss beautiful spring blooms, wild flowers and blossoming trees. I also miss some of my favourite flowers at the florist and can find it really difficult to find what I like without having to spend a small fortune. I can’t just grab a hydrangea stem from the balcony or a handful of wild flowers from the roof terrace so buying cut flowers every week can be pretty pricey.

This winter I have found a great solution to this problem, which is a lovely selection of dried flowers from The Great British Florist. I used to have this idea that dried flowers were ‘grannyish’ and were all very earthy, dull tones. However, I have bought beautiful bright bunches of dried flowers that have really brightened up my home and have cost me nothing much at all compared to weekly fresh flowers.

Dried flowers at home during the winter | Apartment Apothecary

I love this little display on one of my Ikea picture ledges including dried Gypsophila, Eucalyptus, Peonies and Nigella.

Dried flowers at home during the winter | Apartment Apothecary

The vivid pink of this Larkspur injects some much needed colour at this time of year.

Dried flowers at home during the winter | Apartment Apothecary

Who knew that you could dry Peonies? They are so pretty.

Dried flowers at home during the winter | Apartment Apothecary

One bunch of Larkspur that costs £4.50 has filled three vases in my home.

Dried flowers at home during the winter | Apartment Apothecary

Did you see my hallway makeover? This vase from Petersham Nurseries usually lives on my new hallway table with yellow flowers to tie in with this cushion. I was finding it so difficult to find tall yellow flowers so these Achilleas are perfect! I had to bring it all into my home office to photograph because there was not enough light in the hallway.

If you, too, need an inexpensive boost of colour to your home during these dark days then check out the selection at The Great British Florist.

Katy x


Workshop Living

Happy weekend everybody! I hope you’ve had a good week. I’ve been far more productive this week compared to last; it always takes me a while to get back into routine after a holiday.

Anyhoo, I’ve been thinking about what has been inspiring me this week and I keep coming back to a few items that I have at home that I bought from Workshop just before Christmas. Jules and I try to take Otto to a new park or to the countryside each weekend and one Saturday we decided to jump on the train at London Bridge and get off at Brighton. I actually had an ulterior motive for this ‘dog walk’ that I failed to share with Jules because I’d been eyeing up Workshop’s Instagram for a while and I knew I had to get there somehow.

I have to admit that I’ve never had such a strong reaction to a shop. I came home and did a complete clear out in my kitchen and changed everything that I have on the surfaces to try and recreate the Workshop ‘look’. I absolutely love the simple, utilitarian look of enamelware, ceramics, raw wood and linen. Love, love, love! I might even have to do some ‘before’ and ‘after’ shots for you (although I hate my modern kitchen, the changes I have made, thanks to the beautiful styling at Workshop, have made a positive difference).

So, I would like to introduce you to Workshop this weekend, if you haven’t met already, and if you can’t jump on a train to Brighton, then nosey on over to their online shop.

Workshop Living shop in Brighton | Apartment Apothecary

Workshop Living shop in Brighton | Apartment Apothecary

Workshop Living shop in Brighton | Apartment Apothecary

Workshop Living shop in Brighton | Apartment Apothecary

Workshop Living shop in Brighton | Apartment Apothecary

Workshop Living shop in Brighton | Apartment Apothecary

All images from workshopliving.co.uk

Have a lovely one!

Katy x


Adding colour to your home

You may have noticed that I’m really into white. White floors, white walls, white kitchen, white bathroom, white bedlinen etc. However, I love to layer colour and pieces of interest on top of all the white as it is the perfect canvas for all of the furniture, artwork and soft furnishings that I love. Another easy way to inject colour into your home is by using blinds. But not any old blind, one designed by an artist so you can literally have a piece of art work at your window.

Luxaflex have teamed up with artist Julia Vogl to create limited edition roller blinds featuring her original  art work. Julia has designed two blinds, both inspired by views from a plane and only 25 have been made of each design. What do you think? I love the way they draw the eye and add an unexpected element of interest to the window in a modern, sleek way with no flounces or heaps of fabric that can cut out the light.

Julia Vogl blinds for Luxaflex | Apartment Apothecary

Summer Arrives at the Bay. Designed by Julia Vogl for Luxaflex. If you are interested in buying one of these limited edition blinds get in contact with Luxaflex through the website contact form.

Julia Vogl blinds for Luxaflex | Apartment Apothecary

Enveloped. Designed by Julia Vogl for Luxaflex.

If you love these limited edition blinds you can enter the Luxaflex Instagram My Life My Style competition to be in for a chance to win one of them and there’s also a £1500 voucher for Luxaflex up for grabs every two months until May 2015, as well as lots of other prizes! All you have to do is post a picture (or as many pictures as you like) of what inspires your style and tag your picture with the hash tag #LuxaflexUK – it really is that simple. Winners will be picked by Julia Vogl, Abigail Ahern and Elle Decoration magazine. Here are a few of my Instagram pictures to show you what inspires my style: the places I visit, architecture, flowers, the floors I stand on, nature, ceramics,  my friends’ homes, vintage furniture, textures, colour, exhibitions (I am @AptApothecary and you can find Luxaflex at @LuxaflexUK ).

Luxaflex My Life My Style competition | Apartment Apothecary

Enter the Luxaflex Instagram competition to win a limited edition Julia Vogl roller blind plus lots of other amazing prizes. Just tag your post with the hash tag #LuxaflexUK.

Excuse me, whilst I rush off to  enter the competition…

Katy x

Disclosure: This was post was written in collaboration with Luxaflex but the opinions and views are my own.

Ask Apartment Apothecary – how to declutter

For the first Ask Apartment Apothecary of 2015 it seems appropriate to focus on decluttering, which I always feel is a priority at this time of year, especially if you have had your house full of house guests and lots of decorations over the festive period. January is all about stream-lining and refreshing my home, ready for a new year and new beginnings, and I’m also desperate at this time of year to let more light in, which inevitably means getting rid of ‘stuff’. So,when Mary emailed me asking for tips, I decided to try to put a post together.

Coincidentally, as I wrote this post last week before I had seen it, this topic very much ties in with Heather’s and Sarah-Lou’s new project #TheEverydaySpruce. Pop over to Growing Spaces and Lapin Blu to read more and look out for the hashtag on Instagram – I can’t wait to see more, they are both women after my own heart so I’m super excited about it.

On a separate note, and another coincidence, I was inspired by the lovely Florence who blogs over at Flossie Teacakes to begin a decluttering spree just before Christmas. She posted a picture on Instagram (pop over and have a look at the pictures of her dog – Nell is Otto’s twin!) of her newly decluttered kitchen cupboards and so I went on a day-long decluttering mission myself, knowing that we would be away all over Christmas and New Year and how lovely it would be to return to lovely organised cupboards. The coincidence is that I had linked to her in this post when I wrote it last week and then I saw that she had linked to me on her blog last week and said so many nice things that I was blushing all day. So, thank you for the wonderful mention, Florence, and thank you for inspiring me to declutter!

Anyhoo, back to today’s tips…

1. Tidy the room you are decluttering

This is the absolute key to successful decluttering. You must have a clear space otherwise the stuff you are trying to get rid of will just get mixed up in the mess and you will end up in one big mess. This is when people lose the will to continue and you can end up in more cluttered space than you started with. You need a clear floorspace and clear surfaces so you can declutter in an organised, neat way and having a tidy room will make you more aware of not making a mess. If you only follow one of these tips, you should follow this one.

2. Be focused on what you need to declutter

Don’t just wander around your home aimlessly, plan exactly which cupboard, which wardrobe, which shelf you want to declutter. I usually hone in on those areas that aren’t functioning well (you know, the cupboards that you are scared to open because you know the contents fall on your head every time you do).

3. Store similar items together

If you are clear about what type of items should be in  any particular cupboard , drawer or shelf then you can more easily clear out the dissimilar items that need to find a new home.

Tips for de-cluttering | Ask Apartment Apothecary

Image: Tempur

4. Give yourself time

Lots of people suggest doing tiny areas at a time, but I find that giving myself a whole morning, afternoon or even a day is much more effective, as otherwise I can’t focus on what I am doing; I am more concerned about where I need to be or what I need to do next.

5. New homes

Line up four boxes next to the area you are decluttering: rubbish, charity/giving away, recycling, selling. As soon as you remove one item from the shelf or cupboard decide where it’s new home should be and put it in the appropriate box. This way you will not create one huge mess, which is very daunting and stressful. Remove the boxes that you fill from your home immediately!! If not, they may hang around forever creating more clutter and after a while you won’t even notice that every time you need to go to the bathroom you have to step over the ‘Charity’ box.

6. Declutter in daylight

Use the light to help you feel motivated and it just makes seeing what you are doing that much easier.

Decluttering tips |Ask Apartment Apothecary

Storage in my home office.

7. Know when you have decluttered enough

If you want spaces in your home to function well then it is crucial to know when you have decluttered enough. Lots of people make the common mistake of thinking that as long as they can use evry last inch of a cupboard, drawer or shelf then they have done a really good job of decluttering. This is not the case. You need to get rid of enough stuff so that there is room to manoeuvre, which makes a space truly useable.

7. Declutter one space before you move to the next

Do not flit between declutttering lots of different spaces or cupboards in your home. Focus on one particular area, get that done, fill your four boxes and then move to the next space. if you don’t finish the first space, you probably never will and you create more problems for yourself.

8. One in, one out

When deciding what to get rid of start with the rule that if you have new items then you should replace the old and get rid of them. For example, I was given new wine glasses for Christmas so I gave away the old set to my neighbour. Don’t hold on to things for the sake of it or because one day you might need 24 wine glasses because if you don’t have enough space to store them, you home can not function properly so it is not worth keeping them. One in, one out!

9. Don’t get others involved

I know this is controversial and you may not be as brash as me, but often I will declutter without telling Jules anything about it. I won’t ask his opinion or his permission to get rid of certain things, even if they are his belongings! Harsh, I know, but some people, like Jules, can’t say goodbye to totally pointless items even if they have totally forgotten they own said items. I can be safe in the knowledge that with some things I can get rid of them and Jules will never even know because he hasn’t touched them for years. I hope he doesn’t read this!

10. Don’t get stuck down memory lane

If you schedule in seasonal declutttering sessions, which is what I do, clutter doesn’t build up too much but more importantly you don’t get stuck down memory lane every time you try to declutter. If you have been through those old photos or rifled through the knick knacks just a few months ago, you won’t be utterly overwhelmed by nostalgia. Get into a routine with each change of season to get rid of the surface build up and then you won’t have to delve too deeply, which is the danger zone.

Tips for de-cluttering | Ask Apartment Apothecary

Image: Ikea

Any plans for a declutter this month? Start small, be realistic and be organised about it and then the decluttering joy will begin!

Katy x

P.S. If you would like to ask me a design or interiors related question, drop me a note at katy@ or post on my Facebook wall.



Hi everyone. I hope the transition from lazing around in pyjamas watching movies and eating mince pies for breakfast to going back to work has been bearable.

What’s been inspiring you this week? For me, it’s been all about light and fresh surroundings, light and fresh food and drink and taking it easy on myself as I know I never feel particularly happy at this point of the year so anything to lighten the mood. I am geeing myself up to do a mini-bedroom makeover next month. I want to brighten and refresh my room, which in large part will come from removing the carpet and painting the floor white (really not looking forward to that bit!). I have also fallen in love with the idea of having dusty pink linen – look how beautiful it is! Just look! This is some of my bedroom inspiration…

Linen bedlinen and bedroom inspiration | Apartment Apothecary

Image and bedlinen made by The Linen Works  and sold at Houseology

Linen bedlinen and bedroom inspiration | Apartment Apothecary

Image: Ledansla

I’ve got a case of linen love real bad! Such a shame my bank balance won’t quite stretch to a new set at the moment.

Enjoy your weekend.

Katy x