Hallway makeover

My first DIY reveal of the year – what a great feeling! I love refreshing my home at the beginning of the new year in preparation for the lighter, brighter days. My bedroom is next on the list…


To sum up what the hallway was like before I would say: dark, soulless, beige, depressing, confused, and just soooo many doors! Basically, I live in a new build flat so every single fixture and fitting is functional and lacks character. The doors (there are eight leading off the small hallway – yes, eight) are huge, washable and extremely strong, which is brilliantly practical but they are gruesome to look at and have no mouldings or even nice handles to detract from the fact that they are just massive slabs of wood. The doors, combined with the vile, light absorbing carpet mean that my hallway is just generally depressing and even when I put nice things in it, like the beautiful Victorian washstand and mirror that used to belong to my grandmother, nothing can lift it past the point of being utterly depressing. When I don’t enjoy being in a space, I try to close myself off from it, which means I cut out the light in the flat as I close all of the doors. Another consequence of not enjoying a space is that it quickly becomes a dumping ground – spot the old computer that needs to be disposed of and has sat there for a month!

So, something drastic had to happen, yet I didn’t want to spend more than about £250. Drum roll please…

Hallway makeover 'before' shot| Apartment Apothecary

My hallway BEFORE. The first shot is looking down the hallway from the front door. The second shot is looking up the hallway from my living area. The last shot is of the front door and hallway table. Aren’t ‘before’ shots always so terribly unhappy looking? Even Otto looks sad about the whole thing.


These shots were taken by photographer Katharine Peachey during the recent home tour shoot she did for 91 Magazine. Luckily for me, she captured the hallway, which makes it look extra special in contrast to my awful before shots!

So, this is what I did:

1) Pulled up the carpet and painted the MDF boards underneath to match the living area and home office, which creates more continuity and less of the feeling that the hallway is separate box within the flat.

2) Painted all of the internal doors white – what massive change that makes! They are no longer a feature and you barely notice they are there, which makes the hallway feel so much bigger and brighter. We also completely removed the door that leads into the living area, which really helps to create more flow and bring more light into the hallway.

3) Changed the door handles and replaced them with original Bakelite ones that I bought from Lassco, which are a bit more a design statement rather than a purely functional tool.

4) Painted the bathroom door with blackboard paint to create some contrast with all of the white. Plus it’s rather handy for notes as the front door is just to the left of it.

5) Bought a new hallway table from eBay that is a vintage school desk and I now use the Victorian washstand as a bedside table, which suits the style of the bedroom a lot more than the hallway.

6) Added a couple of pieces of art work, including my favourite Double Merrick print.

7) Added our spare Ercol dining chair, with a colourful Orla Kiely cushion, which is practical for putting on shoes but also adds a bit of colour.

8) Bought a jute runner, which is super practical with a dog and it tones in with the table top and chair (I normally have a seagrass basket in the righthand corner too for scarfs and gloves etc). Some of you may remember that I bought a Turkish Kilim runner for the hallway but Otto ran down it with paint all over his feet – cut a long story short, the runner did not survive.

9) Styled up the hallway table to make it more appealing to look at and added a huge vase of flowers, which is always filled with yellow flowers to tie in with the cushion. I bought the vase from Petersham Nurseries Shop.

10) Bought some vintage hooks from eBay to match the black and white colour scheme.

All that is left, is to find the perfect rug/mat to go in front of the front door and some new light fixtures…

Hallway makeover | Apartment Apothecary

A lighter, brighter space. This is looking up the hallway from my living area.

Hallway makeover photographed by katharinepeachey.co.uk | Apartment Apothecary

I added character with a vintage school desk for the hallway table, vintage hooks from eBay and nice bits and bobs on the table.

Hallway makeover photographed by katharinepeachey.co.uk | Apartment Apothecary

I always have yellow flowers on this table, which tie in with the yellow cushion on the chair. The vase is from the Petersham Nursery shop.

Hallway makeover | Apartment Apothecary

All the internal doors are now white, with original Bakelite handles that I bought from Lassco and the bathroom door has been painted with blackboard paint.

Hallway makeover photographed by katharinepeachey.co.uk | Apartment Apothecary

This is looking down the hallway from the front door. The painted floor of the hallway now creates continuity with the living area and home office, which leads off it. We also removed the door at the end of the hallway that leads into the living area so that the hallway is lighter and more integrated into the rest of the flat.

Hallway makeover photographed by katharinepeachey.co.uk | Apartment Apothecary

Styling up the hallway table and adding a mirror breathes life into the space, rather than it being seen as a dumping ground.

Hallway makeover photographed by katharinepeachey.co.uk | Apartment Apothecary

You can just glimpse a small Turkish Kilim mat that I have by the front door, but still searching for something a bit more permanent.

Hallway makeover photographed by katharinepeachey.co.uk | Apartment Apothecary

My favourite Double Merrick print has now been framed and added to the wall between the office door and the hallway cupboard door, which fits a lot better than what was there previously.

Hallway makeover photographed by katharinepeachey.co.uk | Apartment Apothecary

I hung two large honeycomb balls from the ceiling during Christmas and they looked like lovely lampshades. This has inspired me to search out two new pendant lights to replace the spot lights.

What do you think? I know it’s not perfect and it’s certainly not my ‘dream’ hallway, but with what we’ve got and the small amount of money I wanted to spend I’m pretty thrilled with the results. Gone is the dark, beige, light absorbing box and a new, light, bright and breezy passageway has arrived! I just need to find the perfect rug to placed by the front door and new lamp shades to replace the spot lights.

What DIY projects have you got up your sleeves this year?

Thank you to Katharine Peachey for the beautiful photographs.

Katy x

Styling the seasons – January

Happy January everyone! I hope that the January blues haven’t come knocking at your door.

I’ll be honest and tell you that I’m not a massive fan of January because it never feels like a positive fresh start – I always feel like I have a festive food and drink hangover and that there’s not much to look forward to. For me, it’s a time to be kind to myself; eat well, clean the house (I know that doesn’t sound very kind but it makes me feel better), get some exercise  and plan nice things that I can focus on.

I have tried to represent that essence of being kind to myself in my styling this month. I actually styled this pocket string shelf in exactly the same way for a magazine shoot last month (it only stayed like this for a day) and then I changed it up again for the festive period. I have changed it back to how it was for that shoot because I wanted to take it easy, not fuss around too much, not cause mayhem around the house and to keep things simple, which is something I find really important at this time of year when I can feel a bit fragile.

I love the freshness of these objects, which is something I also think of when it comes to January; I’m craving  fresh food, lots of water, fresh air and new, fresh beginnings, too. I hate setting resolutions, but I do think it’s a good idea to reflect on the year that has passed and think of things that I can do differently or try new ways of doing things. This styling is a a bit of an experiment for me as I normally go vintage where I can so it feels exciting to be playing with modern ceramics and bright colours.

In another way my ‘shelfie’ represents my longing for lighter and brighter days now the festive novelty of dark, cosy evenings has worn off. Let there be light!

Styling the Seasons - January | Apartment Apothecary

Styling the Seasons - January | Apartment Apothecary

Styling the Seasons - January | Apartment Apothecary

Styling the Seasons - January | Apartment Apothecary

What does January mean to you? Charlotte and I would love to know and see your styled surfaces. It is such a lovely thing to stop, reflect and re-style a surface in your home, clearing what was a dumping ground, especially after all the festivities and house guests – I promise it will make you smile every time you walk by or sit and look at it so please do join in! Tag me and Lotts and Lots and use the hashtag #StylingTheSeasons – either write a blog post or post on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Also, you must pop over to Charlotte’s blog as her January post is simply beautiful! I think I gasped when I first saw it.

Happy January styling everybody!

Katy x

Pocket string shelf – HausPanda plate – from a Conran pop-up restaurant years ago, House Doctor vase – The HambledonThe House of Rym cup – Tea and KateDesign House Stockholm Dot bowls – Occa-HomeHay matches – Heal’sTea pot and jug – Lisa Stickley, no longer available but try Lisa’s new collection Betty and Walter.



Dog photobombs

Happy new year! Woop woop! How’s that head? We are in a cottage in rural Wales right now with no wifi so this will be my only post until I am back to London with my first Styling the Seasons post of 2015 on Monday 5th.

I’m not really one for resolutions for the new year, but I do think it is really important to reflect on the year that has been. However, I know that ‘review’ posts can get a bit dull and repetitive, so I have decided to structure mine around some of my favourite posts of the year that were photobombed by Otto!

Every time I shoot a blog post in my own home Otto is desperate to be involved and to investigate everything I’m doing. I usually have to shut him out of the room that I  am shooting in otherwise it becomes impossible. However, without fail, he will always manage to make it into my ‘set-up’ shots one way or another. I turn around for two seconds and there he is, eating props or pretending he has suddenly fallen asleep. I hope you enjoy a whole lot of Otto photobombs and maybe click through to some of the posts that I wrote last year…

Dog photo bombs | Apartment Apothecary

Paint dipping: This is months and months ago when Otto was still so tiny. I was trying to shoot the stool that I had paint dipped but he fell asleep right in shot and looked so cute! Not technically a photobomb but I did have to shove him out of the way to get a good shot.

Dog photo bombs | Apartment Apothecary

Handmade quilt: I was trying to shoot this Liberty print quilt that I made last Christmas. Again, Otto decided to fall asleep right next to it after trying to fall asleep on it.

Dog photo bombs | Apartment Apothecary

How to re-upholster a drop-in seat: This is my favourite photobomb! This was back at the start of 2014 – look, we still had horrible carpet then! I was shooting a chair that I had re-upholstered in Lorna Syson fabric. And look who has to jump up to say hello.

Dog photo bombs | Apartment Apothecary

Liberty print cushion tutorial: This post was a tutorial to make simple envelope cushions. Hello Otto. On the bed. Again. We still had our guest room at this point of the year.

Dog photo bombs | Apartment Apothecary

Guest post for Liberty: There’s that carpet again! This post was my first guest post for Liberty and I made a travel highchair.

Dog photo bombs | Apartment Apothecary

Liberty print pouffe tutorial: I think Otto has a thing for Liberty print. He still thinks this pouffe is his. Every time I tried to take a photo of this, he would jump on to it. I have to say this is probably the most useful thing I have made this year. Jules and I quarrel over it when we watch TV together!

Dog photo bombs | Apartment Apothecary

Planting bulbs in tea cups: Look at that face! So unimpressed that I’m taking photos of bulbs in cups rather than playing with him.

Dog photo bombs | Apartment Apothecary

Mosaic tile tutorial: We went up to our roof terrace to shoot this post back in the summer and Otto was seriously annoying and would not get out of shot!

Dog photo bombs | Apartment Apothecary

Liberty guest post: I made this deck chair cushion for the Liberty blog in the summer and we went to my mum’s house to shoot it in the garden. I remember it was the day of the Wimbledon final so I wanted to take the photos before the tennis started but Otto thought it was hilarious to jump into frame every time I lined up the perfect shot.

Dog photo bombs | Apartment Apothecary

Bolster cushion tutorial: More bed shots and more Liberty print!

Dog photo bombs | Apartment Apothecary

Painting MDF floor: Finally, we get to the point in the year when the carpets ripped up and we painted the MDF floor! Hurrah! I was just about to shoot the floor and in slips Otto.

Dog photo bombs | Apartment Apothecary

Home office makeover: Probably my most popular post of the year was my home office makeover, part of which involved painting the floor white. Otto saw fit to fall asleep as I was trying to photograph the floor.

Dog photo bombs | Apartment Apothecary

Cabinet makeover: I loved doing this makeover challenge – I was given £100 to buy and renovate a piece of furniture and it was probably my favourite bit of DIY of 2014.

Dog photo bombs | Apartment Apothecary

Adding a touch of Copenhagen: Home office finished, painted hard floors in place, so obviously Otto has to be first on this new rug that John Lewis sent me as part of a challenge to add a Scandinavian feel to the room.

Dog photo bombs | Apartment Apothecary

Christy bedlinen: Another bedroom shoot, another excuse for Otto to crawl into my bed even though I’m trying to photograph it.

Dog photo bombs | Apartment Apothecary

An alternative Christmas table: Otto is not the only one who gets in the way of a good shot.

Dog photo bombs | Apartment Apothecary

And finally, a preview of my first DIY makeover of January 2015. Here’s Otto photobombing my ‘before’ shot of our hallway. You can see the ‘after’ shots next week!

I hope you have all had a great 2014 and if not great, you can see a way of making 2015 better. Thank you so much for all of your support in 2014 – blogging-wise it has been fabulous! I will see you on January 5th for my first Styling the Seasons post of the new year followed closely by my hallway makeover reveal.

Big new year kisses!

Katy xxx




December – A review

Another month has past, another Christmas full of fun is over – I hope you and your family have had a wonderful one. Only another couple of days left of 2014 and the end of the fourth month of Styling the Seasons, that we began back in September. I have loved seeing everyone’s festive styling and the traditional decorations, alongside some alternative colour schemes and so much nature. It’s all been divinely beautiful and what Styling the Seasons was made for!

I do have a few December faves that I would like to share here and then we move onwards and upwards to January 2015, which will be a very interesting – what does that month mean to you and how will you represent that in your styling? I will post my styled surface here on Monday 5th January so I can have a few days off for some New Year fun in a cottage in Wales with friends (definitely no Wifi!). In the mean time I have put together a round up of 2014 blog posts that were photobombed by Otto – that will be a January 1st treat for you!

Anyhoo, back to a few of my faves from this month and Charlotte will be posting her favourite Crafting the Seasons posts over on Lotts and Lots

Styling the Seasons December review | Apartment Apothecary

Beautiful colours and composition from @xantheb on Instagram.

Styling the Seasons December review | Apartment Apothecary

I love Cate’s sense of style and we both have this tree so this is definitely one of my faves over on Cate St. Hill blog.

Styling the Seasons December review | Apartment Apothecary

I love every single item in this shot from @tomodachiwendymac on Instagram.

Styling the Seasons December review | Apartment Apothecary

Lovely bursts of colour over on The Cabinet Maker’s Lovetale blog.

Styling the Seasons - December review | Apartment Apothecar

Such gorgeous use of nature and I love the muted palette in these shots: Top left: @hintyprint on Instagram Top right: @beautyvariete on Instagram Bottom left: Freckled Fenell blog Bottom right: @kojoandlee on Instagram

What beautiful styling, wonderful colours and gorgeous interiors. I just hope January is as beautiful!

See you back here on January 1st for a whole lot of Otto and January 5th for my Styling the Seasons post. I so hope you join in next month too!

Have a wondrous new year and when you are feeling a bit ragged on January 1st hop over to get some inspiration from all of these beautiful blog posts from this month…

Lobster and Swan / The Villa on Mount Pleasant / Growing Spaces / The Planned Adventure / Cate St. Hill/ The Lovely Drawer / Made by Molu / The Cabinet Maker’s Lovetale / The Vintage Goodlife / The Ordinary Lovely / Freckled Fennell / Circle of Pine Trees / Living in London / All Tom Kerstin / Mia Fleur / Beak up Crafts / Daisy Fay / Really Pretty Useful / The Villa on Mount Pleasant / Something I Made / Painting Grace / Littlegreenshed / Lapin Blu / A Quiet Style / Makelight / Geoffrey and Grace / Lotts and Lots / Apartment Apothecary

Katy x


Happy Christmas!

Just dropping by quickly to wish you all a wondrous Christmas. Eat lots, laugh lots, give lots and enjoy the time with your family and friends.

Here are some of my favourite Christmas interiors to get you into the mood…

Christmas interiors | Apartment Apothecary

Image: Fetepress

Christmas interiors | Apartment Apothecary

Image: Yvestown

Have a wonderful one everybody! See you back here on the 30th for a round up of this month’s Styling the Seasons posts.

Katy xx