Ask Apartment Apothecary – what colour should I paint my hallway?

Thank you to those of you who sent in questions or dilemmas this week – I promise I will try to get to them all. I had a couple of questions about storage in children’s rooms, a few about ways to keep the house tidy and clutter-free and five Facebook posts or emails about how to hide cables (yes, I said the dreaded word!). I will be tackling the cable issue in a couple of weeks – I need to gee myself up for that one 😉 Now, to this week…

AAA – What colour should I paint my hallway?

I want to go over this problem that Leila sent in a while back because another reader emailed me this week asking about the same thing. Ordinarily, you may not think picking a paint colour for the hallway is a problem but there are two things which set hallways apart from other rooms in the house: 1) Hallways can lack light as often they do not have their own windows 2) Hallways are generally very high traffic areas that get dirtier and more scuffed than other areas of the home due to outdoor shoes, boots, umbrellas, bags etc.

Coincidentally, Leila and Amanda, who both asked the question, have children and dogs. Amanda is desperate to have a bright, white hallway but knows that this is not practical as she has four children with mucky hands, school bags, wellies and a big, muddy dog. Leila, also told me that her hallway is quite dark and lacks light.

The solution? Paint the bottom half of the wall a darker colour and the top half white. This way, the darker colour of the bottom half of the wall, which is always more likely to get scuffed and scraped, can disguise the dirt. The top half of the wall stays light and bright, so not too much of the natural light is absorbed. Also, I just love the look of this design idea.

Half painted wall in hallway | Ask Apartment Apothecary

Image: Ledansla

You could even use chalkboard paint for the bottom half of the wall, if you wanted to make it really child-friendly.

Check back next week for help with shoe storage. If you have an interiors dilemma, post it on my Facebook page or drop me an email at katy@

Katy x

Casa e Jardim interview

I was very excited last week when an interview I did was published in Brazilian Homes and Garden magazine, Case e Jardim. I had to take up to date photographs of my home for the article (although, I really need to improve my photography skills!) and I wanted to share some of those with you today, as well as some of the questions and answers that feature in the magazine. If you can read Portuguese you can see the whole interview here.

How can you turn a house into “home sweet home”?

To make a house a home it is all about the personal touches you add whether they be photographs, postcards, one off pieces of furniture, ornaments or collections from your travels. When each item has a story and a memory it makes your home feel so much more interesting and alive. I hate generic furniture as it leaves a home feeling cold and impersonal.

Katy Orme's home | Apartment Apothecary

Katy Orme's home | Apartment Apothecary

What time of day do you feel most inspired?

I’m definitely a morning person as I have the most energy then and I love the morning light. When I know that I have the whole day ahead of me and lots of time, I want to create more. I never work or make things in the evening without the light, which is why I always prefer the summer and the long days.

Katy Orme's home | Apartment Apothecary

Does your partner, Jules, likes to decorate the house too? Do you have a similar style or does it cause problems between you?

Jules hates decorating. He loves to build and create things, especially woodwork, but when I tell him we need to paint the flat or paint the floor or put up shelves he hates it and tries to avoid it at all costs until I nag him for long enough! His style is completely different to mine: if he had his way our home would be filled with enormous TV’s, computers, speakers and gadgets with wires all over the place. He is much more focused on function rather than beauty.

Katy Orme's home | Apartment Apothecary

Katy Orme's home | Apartment Apothecary

Katy Orme's home | Apartment Apothecary

Tell us five tips to decorate without much money:

1. Paint your floors instead of spending a fortune on new carpet or floorboards.
2. Learn to sew and make your own cushions, curtains and even bedlinen – it will save you an absolute fortune!
3. Bring old furniture back to life with paint, wallpaper or just new door knobs.
4. Go to your favourite furniture shop, get inspired and get an idea of what you like. Then go away and try and find a cheaper version on eBay, in a charity shop or at a flea market.
5. Don’t rush when you decorate and make the wrong decision at this will cost you twice as much to correct. Take your time, live in the space for a while to figure out exactly want you want and need.

Katy Orme's home | Apartment Apothecary

Katy Orme's home | Apartment Apothecary

What is your dream house?

We dream about building our own house one day near the sea. It would be very simple, wooden house with large windows as lots of light makes me happy. I would have a huge open-plan living room and kitchen and it would have to open out onto a garden, as I miss not having a proper garden living in London.

Until then, I want to buy a Victorian terraced house in London as I adore the period features such as the tiled hallway floors, fireplaces, ceiling roses, sash windows and original floorboards. I think all furniture looks so much more beautiful in a period home.

Katy Orme's home | Apartment Apothecary

Katy Orme's home | Apartment Apothecary

Katy Orme's home | Apartment Apothecary

What’s your favorite place in your house and why?

My favourite place in my flat is my home office. I have made it white, bright and light, filled with my craft supplies and a large work table. I love spending long afternoons in here sewing or crafting with the radio on in the background. It is such a relaxing, peaceful room.

Home office makeover by Apartment Apothecary

This week, I am very excited to announce that I have been nominated for an Interior Blog Award for the Best DIY Blog! However, I need your votes to be shortlisted so if you have two seconds to spare (it really does only take two seconds!) please do pop over and vote for me here. Thank you! x


Homemade London

One of the things that I have enjoyed most about starting a blog, is that I have been motivated to do a variety of craft classes. I love making, chatting, learning and being creative. When Homemade London, a craft salon in central London, asked me along for some taster sessions (along with cocktails) I couldn’t refuse.

Homemade London is a pretty studio space with a good dose of mid-century furniture, cosy lighting and lovely, approachable designers. Workshops vary from lino printing to perfume making and you can even have your hen party there.

Photos (except the featured image, which is courtesy of Homemade London) taken on my iPhone. Sorry, they are not great – sticky, crafting fingers and photo taking don’t mix well.

Homemade Lodon craft workshops | Apartment Apothecary

Cocktails and crafting – what’s not to love?

Homemade Lodon craft workshops | Apartment Apothecary

Making paper flowers.

Homemade Lodon craft workshops | Apartment Apothecary

Printing napkins.

Homemade Lodon craft workshops | Apartment Apothecary

Perfume making

Homemade Lodon craft workshops | Apartment Apothecary

A lovely studio space (can’t believe it’s dark so early already!).

I would definitely recommend booking yourself into a craft class near you. Take a friend, learn something new and have fun!

Katy x


Blog love

The first week of living as a freelancer is at an end and it has been a complete delight! I’m in the middle of doing a house makeover and a sewing commission for a magazine, as well as organising a lovely event for the gorgeous bloggers who are helping to launch Styling the Seasons this month. I definitely can’t complain, although I have begun to wonder how on earth I ever had enough time to squeeze in a full time job on top of blogging, social engagements, dog walks, cooking, events, appointments and housework. There still aren’t enough hours in the day! I hope your first week back to work has been good, too 🙂

Weekends give us all a bit of time to breath and think – I’m going to have to make sure I am strict with myself and try not to work over the weekend as it is such an important time to switch off and free the mind to think of new things and reflect, a bit like when you go on holiday, which is always when I do my best thinking. So, if you have a bit of free time and brain space this weekend, I have rounded up some of the blog posts I have enjoyed most this week and hopefully will provide you with a bit of inspiration, that isn’t always top of the priority list during the week…


Artemis, a bit of a style guru to me, made the most delicious clothes for her gorgeous daughter over on her blog this week. The pictures alone are to die for, let alone the beautiful fabrics she has used. Pop over to read Sewing September Blue.

Children's sewing projects by Junkaholique on Apartment Apothecary


Lou has been driving me crazy with bedroom decor ideas over on her Pinterest account. I now want to change everything about my own bedroom! Check out her inspiration in her bedroom renovation post – she has such good taste.

Bedroom decor inspiration from Littlegreenshed on Apartment Apothecary

My Scandinavian Home

I always check this blog for beautiful home tours and this one really inspired me, so I hope you will like it too. Pop over to ogle over pictures of this Dutch home in a former children’s nursery.

Scandinavian interiors on My Scandinavian Home

Judith’s post about how to grow your own succulents came at precisely the right point for me as I have lots of baby succulents that I wasn’t quite sure what to do with next (and after reading this I realised I was giving them far too much water). Some very useful and practical tips, as well as lovely photographs in this post Grow your own succulents. I also love Judith’s idea of sending friends baby succulents in the post, I’m going to have to bear that in mind.

Propagating succulents advice from

Say Yes

I’ve been looking for some crafty inspiration and I came across Liz’s tea towel project, which is really simple, very cute and fits in perfectly with the back to school theme this week. Take a look at how to make her DIY notebook tea cloths.

DIY notebook tea towels by Say Yes blog | Apartment Apothecary

Happy weekend and happy thinking everyone!

Katy x


Introducing Ask Apartment Apothecary

For those of you who follow my blog Facebook page, you will have seen that readers regularly post questions about home dilemmas: What colour should I paint my hallway to keep it bright but cover up children’s hand marks? How can I rejuvenate my dining chairs? How can I store my shoes without taking up too much space?

In the past, I have been able to answer most in full, but I often ran out of time. I have started to receive similar emails and so I have decided to make it a regular blog post, that I will call Ask Apartment Apothecary (AAA) – my friend, Farah, called it this over on Facebook. I will select one dilemma a week and try to solve the problem as best I can with photographs to illustrate. Hopefully, this will not only be helpful to the person who has asked the question, but also to anyone else dealing with the same issue.

I’m going to start the first AAA with some photographs sent to me by readers who have asked me questions in the past, I gave them advice and then they put it into practice and sent me pictures of the results…


What creative additions can I make to my children’s bedroom to bring a bit of character to the room?

Henri got in touch because she wanted to add a bit of character to her boys’ bedroom. I got on Pinterest and found various fun DIY projects for children’s room and Henri ended up making these amazing skateboard shelves for her sons. They look brilliant and I bet the boys love them!

Ask Apartment Apothecary


How can I best organise my paperwork in an aesthetically pleasing way?

Phoebe was having difficulty organising her paperwork. She wanted to see the most important things that needed to be dealt with, but also wanted her filing system to be attractive. I suggested covering three clipboards in pretty paper (or fabric) and using each one for different levels of urgency. That way, the most important bill, school trip letter or contract is in full site and won’t be forgotten. She took the advice and sent me this lovely pic of her clipboards that are attached to a glass wall so they look as though they are floating above the desk. Perfect!

Ask Apartment Apothecary


How can I stop clothes being left all over the floor in our bedroom?

Leila got in touch to ask for suggestions about how to stop her bedroom floor being strewn with clothes. I suggested a rack of hooks was the answer as this is a good intermediary between clothes being taken off and being sorted out. Leila even went to the extent of making the vintage yard stick hooks that I featured on my 100 DIY home projects post. Amazing!

Ask Apartment Apothecary

So, I’ve got two AAA’s lined up for the next couple of weeks but if you have an interiors related question or problem, either post it on my Facebook page or email me – katy@ Briefly outline the issue and you can add pictures if that might be helpful.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Katy x