Paint dipped bottles

I’m going to a baby shower next week and the guests have been asked to either do some baking for it or make a pastel coloured decoration. I can’t bake, or rather I won’t bake – I don’t eat sugar so I try to avoid coming into contact with cake – so I have decided to make a decoration.

I don’t want to spend any money on the decoration (no salary for me anymore!) so I have used things that I already have at home. I’ve got a few glass drinks bottles that I save if we have one of those nice soft drinks, like lemonade or elderfower cordial. They always seem too nice to recycle but take up a lot of room in kitchen cupboards so I’m glad to get rid of them, to be honest. I also have loads of left over tins of paint and small paint sample pots so I’m going to try my hand at paint dipped bottles that can be used to serve drinks on the day.

You will need:

– Glass bottles (or try with jars and use as vases or pen pots)

– paint (I’m using eggshell emulsion, which won’t last for long. Use a glass paint if you want it to last forever!)

– bowl, that you don’t mind putting paint in, but if you have a large tin of paint you can just dip the bottles straight into that with out the need for a bowl

– newspaper

– string to suspend the bottles whilst they dry (I strung them from a clothes horse).

How to make paint dipped bottles by Apartment Apothecary

Step by step:

How to make paint dipped bottles by Apartment Apothecary

1. Pour the paint into a bowl. Tip it to one side and roll the end of the bottle around until it is evenly covered in paint. Have a go with an empty jar first to get the technique right.

How to make paint dipped bottles by Apartment Apothecary

2. Hold the bottle above the paint for a couple of minutes to allow as much excess paint as possible to drip off back into the bowl.

Paint dipped bottles by Apartment Apothecary

3. Suspend the bottles with string to allow the rest of the excess paint to drip off. Make sure to put newspaper or plastic sheet down to catch the drips. Allow to dry overnight.

How to make paint dipped bottles by Apartment Apothecary

All finished!

How to make paint dipped bottles by Apartment Apothecary

I hope they look pretty on the baby shower table.

Happy paint-dipping!

Katy x


Tips for styling shelves

First and foremost, thank you so much to those of you who took the time to leave a comment on my blog feedback post or emailed me your thoughts. I was blown away by how many of you got in touch and how much thought you put into your feedback. Just amazing! I’m going to spend this month making blog plans and then in September I will start afresh, bearing in mind all that you had to say.

Things here are taking shape and I very nearly have a fully functioning home office: the shelves are up, desk is made and painted, holes in the walls filled, new pendant light hanging. My big job this week is to paint the floor and then sort and style the String shelving. When I was going on and on and on about my new String shelving, quite a few of you got in touch and asked if I had any tips for styling shelves. Now, I have to admit that I have always avoided shelves in the past for two reasons – firstly, I like to hide my mess and secondly, they can become a dumping ground.

That being said, we have invested in some wondrous shelving for the home office and I could cram them with stuff as they are deep and sturdy and I have a lot of stuff but I really want to strike a balance between function and beauty. Mission impossible? Well, here are my tips before I begin the task in hand…

1. Groups of three

I always like to group things in threes, whether it be boxes, baskets, ornaments or plants. I don’t know why that looks better than say, two or four things, it just does.

2. Triangle of colours

You don’t need to colour coordinate what’s on your shelves (I always get a bit of a shiver when I hear about colour coordinating because it makes me think of matching cushions, curtains and lampshades) but pulling together the look with a triangle of colours can look really good i.e. three similarly coloured items, placed at different points on the shelves.

3. Vary height and size of objects

If you arrange all of the tall things together and all of the round things together your shelves will look unbalanced and too curated.

Tips for styling shelves by Apartment Apothecary

Image from: @whiteloftstudio Intsagram

4. Don’t overcrowd

If you have too much to fit on your shelves, don’t just cram it all on. You will need to find somewhere else to store it or get rid of it. Overstuffed shelves are not functional, most importantly, and you can’t fully appreciate the beautiful things on them. On the open kitchen shelves below, they have managed to fit a lot on but everything is accessible, which makes it functional too.

Tips for styling shelves by Apartment Apartment Apothecary

5. Add pictures, prints, mirror or a lamp

By doing this, it adds more interest to the shelves and makes them feel like part of the room, rather than just a storage solution.

Tips for styling shelves by Apartment Apothecary

Image from: Decordots

6. Nothing should touch

When I say nothing should touch, I mean that two items should not rub shoulders; they either need to over lap or not touch at all. Again, I’m not sure why items that just touch look odd, but they do. If you look at the shelves below, the top shelf has a row of items that are just touching. However, on the middle and bottom shelves the items are overlapping, which looks so much more interesting and organic.

Tips for styling shelves by Apartment Apothecary

Image from: Fine Little Day

7. Add plants

This lightens, brightens and lifts shelves. I love how plants have been attached to this pegboard – I might have to steal this idea!

Tips for styling shelves by Apartment Apothecary

Image: Home of Kim Victoria Wearne and Stuart Beer on The Design Files

8. Don’t make it top or bottom heavy

Don’t place all the large items at the bottom of the shelves and all the small items at the top as this will make the shelves look unbalanced.

9. Repurpose containers to store items

Add interest and beauty by using vintage tins, jars or jugs to store items.

Tips for styling shelves by Apartment Apothecary

Image from: Sania Pell

10. Put lots of little things into storage boxes or baskets

If you have a lot of small things that need storing put them into boxes or baskets that can be put in the shelves; this will make the shelves easier to clean and less fussy looking.

Tips for styling shelves by Apartment Apothecary

Image from: Husligheter

11. Add something unexpected

This will draw the eye and set your shelves apart from everybody else’s Billy bookcase.

Hope this helps some of you. I’m going to try my best to use some of these ideas on my own shelves, which I’ll show you all in September.

Katy x



What do you want from my blog?

I have been thinking long and hard about how I am going to take my blog forward now that I will have a lot more time on my hands. I started my blog for me as a way of recording my ideas and bringing them to life. However, as time has gone on and I have read your lovely comments and become more and more aware of the little community that surrounds my blog, and the larger blogosphere, that there are real people who read it! It is so easy to think that not a soul will read your words, let alone try your ideas, but everyday I speak or hear from someone who has done just that – it really is quite amazing and for that I would like to say a big thank you.

I learnt so much from my teaching career, but one of the most important things, which teachers, parents and politicians forget far too often, is that you have to ask the children what they want and need, what they enjoy most, what they think of your lessons. Sometimes, this is forgotten because people don’t actually want to hear the answers, for fear of negative feedback. Anyhoo, the point is that I want to ask all of you what you think of my blog, what type of posts you enjoy the most and what you would like to see more or less of, which I hope will help me develop it in a positive direction.

Do you want more or less of: Home tours, craft projects, DIY before and afters, sewing tutorials, design ideas, home improvement tips, my home, gardening ideas,  shopping suggestions, more guest posts by other bloggers, more money-saving ideas? Is there something I am not doing that you would find useful? Would you prefer fewer words and more pictures or the other way around? Is my blog design clear and easy to use or is there something that just doesn’t work for you? Here are some past posts to trigger your mind…

Foster house wedding location on Apartment Apothecary

More house tours? Do you read the words or do you just like to looks at the photos? Foster House

Liberty print apron tutorial by Apartment Apothecary

More or fewer sewing tutorials? Are they clear and easy to understand? Are you sick and tired of me going on about Liberty all the time?! Liberty print apron tutorial.

Planting indoor bulbs by Apartment Apothecary

Do you find gardening ideas useful or just really boring? Planting Indoor bulbs.


More or fewer craft projects? Is there a craft you would like me to focus on? Paper heart garland.

Kitchen  storage ideas by Apartment Apothecary

Do you like home improvements ideas? Can you believe this post has been pinned thousands and thousands of times?! Kitchen storage ideas.

Sideboard makeover

Do you find DIY ‘before and after’ projects useful for inspiration? Furniture makeover.

If you have any comments, please do either email me (katy@ or just leave a comment below. Look forward to hearing from you!

Katy x

Vive La Difference

I was so excited when Tina, who writes the blog Colour Living, invited me to take part in her monthly series Vive La Difference. The premise of the series is that Tina gives her guests a list of themes, of which they can choose one, and a list of objects, of which they can choose up to three, to represent that theme in a vignette. Tina also does her own interpretation of the theme using the objects her guests choose – it’s so interesting to compare the two and observe the similarities and differences.

I very quickly decided I wanted to choose the ‘Ray and Charles Eames’ theme (easy choice as I’m such a big fan of their furniture) but I tried to step out of my comfort zone and choose ‘Art Supplies’ to represent the theme. I sketched the outline of three of my favourite Eames chairs and then made three lino cut stamps to make a set of postcards. Hop on over to Colour Living to see the results of both mine and Tina’s efforts.

The creative process fascinates me and I often ponder on how one generates ideas; I know that it can take me hours to come up with an idea, whereas others seem to think of them instantaneously. To then see the results of two different people’s interpretations really highlights the difference between us in the way we see the world and how differently our brains work. This sort of creative thinking and making is so enriching – thank you, Tina!

Katy x

Why I haven’t blogged

I really, really hope that some of you can identify with me when I say that I can not function properly if my flat is in a state of disarray. For the last two weeks what will be my new home office has been turned upside down as we’ve had to rip up the carpet, take down and put up shelves and so on. This has meant that not only the room where I normally work, make and blog from has been a complete tip but also we’ve had random bits of furniture, wood and tools lying around the rest of the flat (the downside of decorating a room when you live in a flat is that there isn’t enough space to close it all off). This is the reason I have not felt inspired or able to sit down amidst a huge mess to blog. My ideas, plans, to-do list have all gone out of the window. I can not physically do it. Am I weird? Does anyone else understand this? I can not and will not be productive in a mess. Jules says I need therapy 😉

Anyhoo, I had my last day at work as a teacher this week so expect a lot more posts from now on (once order has been reinstated around here!).

Katy x