Introducing Ask Apartment Apothecary

For those of you who follow my blog Facebook page, you will have seen that readers regularly post questions about home dilemmas: What colour should I paint my hallway to keep it bright but cover up children’s hand marks? How can I rejuvenate my dining chairs? How can I store my shoes without taking up too much space?

In the past, I have been able to answer most in full, but I often ran out of time. I have started to receive similar emails and so I have decided to make it a regular blog post, that I will call Ask Apartment Apothecary (AAA) – my friend, Farah, called it this over on Facebook. I will select one dilemma a week and try to solve the problem as best I can with photographs to illustrate. Hopefully, this will not only be helpful to the person who has asked the question, but also to anyone else dealing with the same issue.

I’m going to start the first AAA with some photographs sent to me by readers who have asked me questions in the past, I gave them advice and then they put it into practice and sent me pictures of the results…


What creative additions can I make to my children’s bedroom to bring a bit of character to the room?

Henri got in touch because she wanted to add a bit of character to her boys’ bedroom. I got on Pinterest and found various fun DIY projects for children’s room and Henri ended up making these amazing skateboard shelves for her sons. They look brilliant and I bet the boys love them!

Ask Apartment Apothecary


How can I best organise my paperwork in an aesthetically pleasing way?

Phoebe was having difficulty organising her paperwork. She wanted to see the most important things that needed to be dealt with, but also wanted her filing system to be attractive. I suggested covering three clipboards in pretty paper (or fabric) and using each one for different levels of urgency. That way, the most important bill, school trip letter or contract is in full site and won’t be forgotten. She took the advice and sent me this lovely pic of her clipboards that are attached to a glass wall so they look as though they are floating above the desk. Perfect!

Ask Apartment Apothecary


How can I stop clothes being left all over the floor in our bedroom?

Leila got in touch to ask for suggestions about how to stop her bedroom floor being strewn with clothes. I suggested a rack of hooks was the answer as this is a good intermediary between clothes being taken off and being sorted out. Leila even went to the extent of making the vintage yard stick hooks that I featured on my 100 DIY home projects post. Amazing!

Ask Apartment Apothecary

So, I’ve got two AAA’s lined up for the next couple of weeks but if you have an interiors related question or problem, either post it on my Facebook page or email me – katy@ Briefly outline the issue and you can add pictures if that might be helpful.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Katy x