I shot this post last Friday and as if by magic the sun came out and bathed my dining table in so much beautiful light, which made such a wonderful difference to what has been a long run of very dark days (and VERY frustrating attempts to photograph things for the blog). And you know what? I achieved at least three times as much on that sunny, bright day as I had done in the dark days leading up to it. Anyhoo, the point is I really enjoyed putting together this little shoot for Urban Jungle Bloggers, the theme being Plants and Coffee. UJB is a project run by Judith and Igor and is about living with plants – in your home, in other interiors, in public spaces: “We want to highlight the beauty and benefits of houseplants and other greeneries in urban spaces”.
The plants I have featured in this post were inspired by a most gorgeous tutorial over on A Quiet Style by Emma and Caroline of Wild Rubus. I spent a joyous hour or so removing bulbs from their pots and trying my best to remove all of the soil, as you can see above, and you then re-pot the bulbs in glass jars with water instead of soil. Do check out the lovely tutorial and try it for yourselves – thank you ladies for the inspiration!
So, here are my plants and coffee pics. Enjoy…

It’s coffee time! My new Brixton wall clock by Newgate £85.
The daffodil roots were quite sticky and I couldn’t remove a lot of the soil as well as Emma and Caroline did. However, Caroline very helpfully suggested leaving the roots to soak overnight and then try again to remove all of the soil, which worked wonderfully well but, unfortunately, I had already taken these photographs so I will have to show you the final result another time. I love glass planters as they let all the light through and I think the bulbs themselves are rather beautiful and it’s a shame to hide them under earth.

I made this gingerbread syrup for Jules as a Christmas present (he said it was his favourite one) and he now has it in his coffee every morning (out of control!). Thank you to Laura for her recipe on Circle of Pine Trees. I’ve had to make another huge batch since Christmas as he loves it so much – Laura, I will be blaming you when his teeth fall out!
Thank you, as ever, to Igor and Judith for their inspiration. Are you geeing up for the coming of Spring and planting that needs to be done? Or are you just relaxing with a cup of coffee with gingerbread syrup?!
Katy x