Vintage kitchen hooks

Back in Spring (where has the time gone?!) I needed to do a final shot of an apron I had made for this post. My kitchen is relatively dull, as it’s a new-build flat, so it didn’t look particularly aesthetically pleasing when I hung it in there. So, I decided to photograph it on some vintage school hooks that are in our spare room for guests to hang their clothes. I hung some kitchenalia on the hooks too and the end result was rather pleasing:

Liberty print apron

Find out how to make this Liberty print apron here.

I was then lucky enough to go to designer Lisa Levis’s house for a nose around and to interview her for the blog. You can read that interview and see all the beautiful photographs of Lisa’s home here. In Lisa’s kitchen I saw some very similar hooks to my own:

Lisa Levis (nee Stickley) vintage kitchen hooks

Photograph by the beauteous Katharine of Peachey Photography.

I then caught a glimpse of Sarah Moore’s home and there were more very similar vintage hooks in her kitchen:

Sarah Moore Vintage kitchen hooks

All these vintage hooks got me thinking that this could be an easy way of adding character to a kitchen. Plus, hooks are so practical as they take up so little space, yet you can store a lot on them. I had a nose around Pinterest and found another few examples for inspiration:

Vintage kitchen hooks

Image from Blood and Champagne blog.

Vintage kitchen hooks

Image from Melanie Molesworth’s book ‘Junk Style’.

Vintage kitchen hooks

Image from the Tokyo home of Katsuya Kamo on The Selby blog.

All in all, I’m sold on the idea. Vintage hooks for the kitchen is added to my list of projects x

P.S. My little apron was featured in Issue 2 of Sew Liberty this month. Take a look here (p.8).


How to plan changes in your home

Since I left home I have never lived anywhere for more than three years. We have now been in our current flat for just over the three year mark and I’m getting very itchy feet. This isn’t because of the flat itself or the location – both are great. It’s because I get bored of being surrounded by the same decor and furniture – everyday I am tortured by images on blogs and Pinterest of AMAZING interiors that I want to recreate. Whenever I have moved in the past I have used it as an opportunity to redecorate and buy new furniture; I try to make myself a little piece of that AMAZINGNESS that I hanker after.

I have a very sensible boyfriend who, when I tell him we need to move, tells me that we can’t move just because I’m bored with our dull, new build kitchen and our beige carpet. I can’t think of a better reason, myself, but then I look at house prices and my bank account and realise the two don’t quite match up.

So, the upshot is, I need to do some decorating or make some changes to the flat otherwise I will go crazy. Weirdly, it’s sometimes enough just to make plans, without even doing the decorating, to stop me getting bored. Maybe there’s something wrong with me! Anyhoo, I thought it may be a good idea to document my planning (even if the decorating doesn’t happen) as this could help those who find it difficult to know where to start. The choices are literally endless so I want to try to help pin down how to begin. I’m going to tackle each area in my home that I want to change and how I go about planning those changes so this may require a few posts.

These are the areas I will be tackling (subject to change as my mind can go off in all sorts of directions when I get going!):

Part 1: Flooring

We need to replace the carpet in our sitting room, kitchen and hallway to a hard floor to cope with a mucky pup and because I HATE the carpet – it’s SO boring (Part one is now published!).

Part 2: Sitting room furniture

I want a new sofa and armchair that are more appropriate to the space in our sitting room. I bought our current sofa and armchair for a different flat and they are both too big for our current living space.

Part 3: Tiling in kitchen

The developers of our flat did not do any tiling in our kitchen and I think this would be a great way to add a bit of character to the space.

Part 4: A hallway makeover (see it here!)

I HATE our hallway. It’s lined with big, modern, laminate wood doors and boring beige carpet. It’s dull as dish water and makes me sad so it needs to change.

Part 5: Choosing rugs (see it here!)

If we have a hard wood floor we are going to need some beautiful rugs (I love a good rug).

I propose to take you through my planning process for each of these areas over the next few weeks, which I hope will help some of you who may be trying to figure out how to go about making your own changes. Whether any of my planning becomes reality is another story – I wish money grew on trees!

Katy x

P.S. I must remember to always tell myself that I am very, very lucky to live in such a nice flat and that I have got so much more than so many other people. Note to self – I must not think like a spoilt brat!

P.P.S. The photo above is of my dining area taken by the wonderful Katharine of Peachey Photography.

P.P.P.S If you want to see more Peachey Photography photographs of my flat you can here.



Bedroom re-style

My friend asked me recently if I would help her do a really quick makeover of her bedroom. She’s just moved into an unfurnished shared house and wanted to make her room look ‘grown-up’ but wasn’t sure where or how to spend the money. The constraints were that she needed furniture within two weeks and she wanted it all to be brand new. Huh, I said to myself. Did she know that most furniture shops have leading times of weeks rather than days, I asked. No, apparently not.

So, I got searching, ordering and then helped her put it all together to create a fresh, simple, grown-up bedroom. I bought all the furniture from Loafwho were super helpful and got the bed to us within ten days. I then grabbed a few things from around the house to help style the room.


I ordered the Loaf Bobbin bed and once it had arrived my friend moved in but she wasn’t sure how to style the room. The problems were:

– Mismatching bed linen

– No lamp

– Blank wall

– Temporary bedside table

– Exposed wires

Bedroom makeover before shot



The changes I made were:

– I bought Loaf’s Campaign bedside table and Little Dane lamp.

– I sorted out her bedlinen so she had a matching set, which instantly lifts any bedroom. A well made bed makes a world of difference.

– I framed a piece of vintage wallpaper to fill the blank wall. Don’t use unframed prints or posters if you want a more sophisticated feel to your room.

– Fresh flowers, which instantly brighten any interior.

– I added some colour with the linen, wallpaper and tea-cup. A colour scheme can tie a room together as long as it’s not a ready-made colour scheme i.e. matching cushions, curtains and duvet cover – yuk!

– I hid the wires by drilling a hole into the side of the wardrobe and fed the lamp wire through it as there is a plug socket in the wardrobe.

Bedroom makeover Loaf furniture

Ta da!

Bedroom makeover  Loaf Campaign bedside table

The Campaign bedside table, whilst being brand new, has character and style. I love the Little Dane lamp and have my own at home. The colour of the lamp base is beautiful.

Bedroom makeover Loaf Bobbin bed

The Bobbin bed is well made, simple and classic. It’s made of wood and painted in matt white paint. The vintage wallpaper I framed is gorgeous and the colour ties in with the linen and the frame goes with the wood of the bedside table.

Bedroom makeover after shot

What do you think? Hopefully you’ll agree this is more sophisticated and stylish than ‘before’.

Now it’s a question of adding some personality and ‘stuff’ to make it more homely – maybe some photos, a rug, shelves, a quilt. But hopefully, this is a good canvas to start with.

It’s my birthday today so I’m off to the Cinnamon Club for a yummy dinner with Jules. I wonder if I’ll get some nice presents (wouldn’t mind some new furniture myself – just sayin’!) x



Washi tape picture frames

I was asked this month to be the Guest Pinner for Homemade With Love magazine. I’ve been a bit lazy of late with my own Pinterest boards, mostly re-pinning from those I follow or pinning my own creations. Being asked to pin for someone else has refocused me; what I loved most about Pinterest when I first signed up was discovering new blogs and actively searching for inspiration. I’m really enjoying perusing blogs, magazines and websites for new and exciting craft and home projects. If you would like to see what I have pinned so far, you can see my Guest Pinboard here.

I originally discovered the joys of Washi tape from Pinterest. It comes in all sorts of contemporary prints, patterns and colours and gives everything a modern edge. The tape is very low tack, which makes it very versatile and there are so many different things you can do with it. One of the ideas I like, and have copied the most, is using Washi tape to create photo frames around pictures and postcards. I also use it to tape up notes or pictures above my desk for inspiration.

Mia Fleur, an online homewares boutique, very kindly sent me a set of their lovely vintage pictures. I decided to combine the freshness of the Washi tape with the vintage feel of the pictures to create an alternative wall display.

Washi tape picture frames

You can use the tape to create all sorts of different shaped frames.

Washi tape picture frames

You can experiment as much as you like because the tape peels off very easily but doesn’t lose its tackiness.

Washi tape picture frames

I really like to stick postcards, notes and pictures on the wall temporarily by just taping the corners. It’s so low tack that it leaves no marks when you want to take them down.

Washi tape picture frames

If you would like to buy some Washi tape, you can order it online here.

Thanks again to Mia Fleur for the lovely pictures, which are very reasonably priced for a collection of nine printed on beautiful paper. If you would like some you can buy them here. x



Pin it!

For those of you that know me, you know that I spend a lot of time pinning. I love Pinterest so much, as it allows me to collect all of the inspiring images of interiors, gardens and craft ideas in one place. It also introduces me to new furniture, design ideas, craft projects – pin, pin, pin, pin, pin.

I want to share a few of the pins that are inspiring me the most at the moment. Click on the images to find out their original source…

Paris apartment of fashion designer, Vanessa Bruno photographed by Birgitta Wolfgang

Freestanding butler's sink in vintage kitchen

Decorative claw foot bath painted turquoise

Victorian wood panelled tiled hallway

Circular window

Pretty mantle piece and period fire place

Hand blown glass vase and Roberts radio on window sill

Vintage medical cabinet

Chevron vintage tiles

Mid century dining room

Green velvet sofa

Bring the outdoors in

Cans of tomatoes as kitchen decoration

Happy pinning! x