February seems to be the busiest and quickest of all the months; catching up after the slowness of January but not feeling that there are quite enough days in the month to do so. This month has been a bit of a blur and we are still all out of routine because the kitchen is only just finished and our sitting room is still completely empty asides from a beautiful new Ercol coffee table. Our new sofa was supposed to arrive mid-January but it has been delayed until mid-March so we are still in weird decorating limbo. I start a new round of IVF in a couple of weeks and had hoped to have everything sorted and done by then but the best laid plans and all that. So, February was all about trying to tie up loose ends and getting organised but it looks as though that process will continue into March.
This month I fell in love with all the blossom pinks and soft greys that lots of you were using to style your homes. As soon as I saw Lori’s Styling the Seasons post I fell in love with the muted colours and how calm her bedroom looks.

Image via Wild & Grizzly
I also have to mention Heather’s post, which is so beautiful and the light in her photographs is just wondrous. The words in Ruth’s post really struck a chord with me and you should definitely take a read here.
There was styling inspiration galore from all of these posts this month, too:
The Twinkle Diaries | Rainbeaubelle | Wild and Grizzly | The Lovely Drawer | Let’s talk Mommy | The Ordinary Lovely | We Made This Home | Tea with Ruby | Growing Spaces | Marmalade Pie | Gathered Cheer | littlemaldod | The Villa on Mount Pleasant | Inside Out & About | Lotts and Lots | Apartment Apothecary
You can also see thousands more images by exploring the #StylingTheSeasons hashtag on instagram – thank you to everyone who joined in this month. There are now far too many each month for us to ‘like’ or comment on but I promise we do look at them all!
I will be back tomorrow with my Styling the Seasons post for March.
Katy x
aww thanks for featuring lovely! x
I loved joining in and thank you so much for the mention! I’ll definitely be doing a March post. Lori’s bedroom does indeed look very calm! xx
I couldn’t agree more. The greys and pinks are stunning! x