Styling the Seasons – February

I’m very excited to give you a sneak peek into my sitting room today (just the teeniest tiniest corner as there is stuff everywhere after a month of DIY weekends as you can see in…

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January: A review

I know it’s trad to hate January and all that but I have to say it’s been a really good month. I think because I was dreading it so much I made special efforts to…

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#EATWELL recipes

At the beginning of this month I told you about the #EATWELL campaign that I’ve been taking part in. I created a healthy recipe of vegetarian Chinese pancakes and throughout the month I have tried out some of…

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DIY behind the scenes

Gah! I am currently sitting on my bed with my iMac precariously balanced whilst trying to type up this post after painting myself in to my bedroom for the next eight hours. Oh, the joys…

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Changing the layout of a room

Just a quick post today because I am up to my eyeballs in paint! Last week I showed you the last home tour of my flat before I make major changes in the living room…

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