Styling the seasons – July

This is the first month since we started Styling the Seasons in September 2014 that I have had a complete block and have had no idea which surface in my home to refresh and style.…

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Ask Apartment Apothecary – Photo styling tips

*Spoiler alert* This post contains a terrible quality video of me! Last month I was invited to speak at BritMums blogging conference about styling photographs for blog posts and Instagram. Everyone who came to my…

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Summer parties

Just popping by really briefly today to tell you about one of my favourite summer products, perfect for summer parties. I bought a couple of these Kilner drinks dispensers as they are great for gatherings…

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Strawberries and cream ice lollies

I am totally in love with Wimbledon. I love watching the tennis, gathering with friends and family to watch big matches, eating strawberries and a Pimms or two. This year I’ve been invited by Wimbledon…

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June – a review

I know I say this most months but where on earth has June gone? It really has flown, probably because I have been really busy. However, I have made a very concerted effort this month…

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