February – A review

February was an exciting month for Styling the Seasons as we joined forces with the lovely folk over at Laura Ashley. We offered twelve of our regular bloggers the chance to pick their choice of…

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Urban jungle bloggers: Hanging planters

Lucky for me that for a recent home tour the wondrous Katharine Peachey captured the hanging planter that I have in my kitchen filled with herbs – perfect for this month’s Urban Jungle Bloggers. I…

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Ask Apartment Apothecary – what to do with an unused fireplace

Problem A pretty tricky AAA today from the lovely Florence, who blogs over at Flossie Teacakes (you must read her blog and follow her on Instagram – she writes so beautifully and with such extraordinary detail…

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Happy weekend everyone! I hope you have been inspired by the glorious sun we have had this week and hint of Spring in the air – hurrah! What else has been inspiring you? I was…

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Gold sprayed plant pots

Today’s DIY idea fits well with Heather’s and Sarah-Lou’s project #theeverydayspruce, in which they share tips and ideas for sprucing up your home and your life more generally. I love the challenge of making the…

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