Urban Jungle Bloggers: Plants and coffee

I shot this post last Friday and as if by magic the sun came out and bathed my dining table in so much beautiful light, which made such a wonderful difference to what has been…

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Ask Apartment Apothecary – how to start a blog

I’ve had a few emails recently, a couple from friends and a couple from people who read my blog, asking me how to start their own. I know full well that if I didn’t have…

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Sewing projects

I’ve had a bit of a craft block of late and not even Pinterest could offer up any inspiration. Even my little sister, Amy (I call her little but she’s actually in her thirties, too)…

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House of Rym

Happy weekend everybody! I hope you’ve all had a great week. Now, go grab yourself a cup of tea, find a comfy seat and get ready for so much inspiration you won’t know what to…

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Refresh and update your home

I wrote a post last week about how to declutter and I showed you all my DIY hallway makeover. Yes, it feels great to get stuck in and get your hands dirty and end up…

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