Reasons to stay in bed

I have spent the last eleven years doing a job that required me to be at my desk by 8.30am at the absolute latest, which often meant I was up at 6am and out of…

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Ask Apartment Apothecary – Instagram photo displays

Today’s AAA is for Lorna, who writes the lovely blog, Lorna Rachel. She wants to find different ways of displaying her Instagram photos. There are lots of DIY and crafty ways of displaying your IG shots, but Lorna…

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Styling the Seasons – November

I’m actually a bit in shock that today is November. It seems like yesterday that I wrote my first Styling the Seasons post in September, which was the complete opposite to this month’s styled surface.…

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October – A review

Another month has been and gone with such speed, which reminds me of one of the reasons Charlotte and I started Styling the Seasons. It’s a chance to stop for a moment, no matter how…

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How to make a dried Hydrangea wreath

The lovely Tamsyn, who blogs over at The Villa on Mount Pleasant, very kindly wrote and photographed this guest blog post last year and I just had to share it again in case you missed it the…

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