Welcome to this month’s very special Styling the Seasons! When Charlotte and I first met to discuss working on a project together one of the things we really wanted to do was meet other like-minded creatives. That’s why our first event Crafting the Seasons at Liberty was born and it was such an amazing success that we just had to organise a Spring event. So when the lovely ladies behind at{mine}, an online community for home and design lovers to share their real homes, approached us about collaborating on an event we jumped at the chance.
Today, we would like to welcome you join in with #StylingSpringAtMine. All you have to do is style a surface in your home to represent what April means to you as you normally would, but we have brought together a special group of at{mine} member judges to each choose their favourite. The judges and the winners will then be invited to our Spring floral workshop at the gorgeous Homemade London on April 29th 10.30-12.30pm, led by Caroline of Wild Rubus who will be teaching us all how to make Spring wreaths with beautiful blooms supplied by Bloom and Wild and May Day posy making with Lou Archell. So exciting!
You need to:
1) Style any surface in your home to represent what April means to you
2) Post a shot of your styled surface on any social media or blog about it by April 15th
3) Use the hashtag #StylingSpringAtMine so we can see your entry
4) You need to be free to attend the workshop on the morning of April 29th in central London.
You can also join at{mine} HERE and post your styled surface in the Styling the Seasons category – Ia and Helena, the founders of at{mine} will choose their winner from this category so get joining! There is also so much wonderful interiors inspiration to be had so I would definitely recommend signing up. The special invite code is StylingSpringAtMine.
Here is a list of our wonderful judges (do pop over to see their styled surfaces using Bloom and Wild flowers for inspiration). Charlotte, at{mine} and I will also be choosing a winner each so we are looking for 13 winners in total:
Emma Harris – A Quiet Style
Emily Quinton – Makelight
Teri Muncey – The Lovely Drawer
Cate St. Hill – Cate St. Hill
Jeska Hearne – Lobster and Swan
Heather Young – Growing Spaces
Sarah-Lou Kimmer – Lapin Blu
Lou Archell – Little Green Shed
Olivia – Bloom and Wild
Caroline – Wild Rubus
And now for my April styling. April marks the beginning of Spring for me; warmer days, colour in the trees, in the garden and the parks (no more muddy dog walks and daily baths for Otto!). Coats are beginning to be put away, windows are open and everything feels lighter and brighter. Therefore, I wanted my styled surface to be full of flowers and colour. Unfortunately, I had to create my post a few weeks ago as I’ve had an op in the last couple of weeks but I did break bed rest rules to make a mini-post with my beautiful Bloom and Wild flowers that you can see here.
For this post I popped over to Columbia Road flower market on a Sunday morning a while ago to gather armfuls of Spring blooms, blossom branches and Eucalyptus and came home to make a wreath, which is what gave me the idea to make that part of our Spring event (as I realised it’s more difficult than it looks and I’d love to be taught how to make one properly). Before I made the wreath I wasn’t quite sure which surface I was going to style. I laid out an old sheet onto my dining table, plonked all the flowers I had bought into a big enamel jug of water and made my wreath. I hung it on the wall and as I cleared away some of the debris I walked back to the table and it all looked so pretty that I decided to photograph it as it was. Even though it is relatively ‘un-styled’ this table of cuttings, pots, secateurs and colourful flowers rather does sum up the way I see April – it’s all about a new lease of life, colour and pottering about with seeds, flowers and plants.

I cut the heads off a few of the flowers to stick into the wreath. As they wilt I can easily remove them and replace them with new flowers.

A rather ‘un-styled’ Styling the Seasons post but I do spend a lot of time in April trying to bring the garden back to life.
What does April mean to you? We can’t wait to see (and hopefully meet you!) …
Katy x
Love it, love it, love it! The colours are beautiful, so fresh and springlike! And I love the ‘un-styled’ look of it, I love how sometimes things can fall into place like that. Everyone’s are looking so so good, can’t wait to get judging! xxx
Me too! Although I have no idea how I am going to choose only one favourite! They are all so beautiful already xx
Hurrah! What a fantastic collaboration and wonderful idea! Adore this too Katy, you know how I just love a wreath! Your spring take on it is gorgeous x
Love your mega wreath, Jess! Gorgeous entry xx
Such a lovely post. Spring flowers bring a great pop of colour into the home. Just what’s needed after all the dark weather of winter! Hope you feel better from your op soon.
So true! The contrast is so amazing between dark, bleakness and suddenly we’re surrounded by bright blooms – love it! Thanks for your well wishes too xx
Can’t wait for this master class, thanks so much for making each month magical! (and so many beautiful entries already)!
Yay for a masterclass and yay for all the beautiful entries xxx
Beautiful! Answer: there is NOTHING better than a big jug of spring flowers! I planted ranunculus and anemone bulbs this weekend and I don’t know how I’m going to get through the next few months waiting for them to bloom! Your spring wreath is fabulous and the workshop sounds amazing. xx
Thank you so much! Such a shame you are so far away otherwise we’d love you to enter! Xx
Thanks for such a fab competition, I’ve posted my entry via the link below and I really hope you like it 🙂
Alina x