I’m actually a bit in shock that today is November. It seems like yesterday that I wrote my first Styling the Seasons post in September, which was the complete opposite to this month’s styled surface. If you haven’t joined in yet, but would like to challenge yourself to give styling a go (it can be much harder than it looks!) Charlotte has written such a brilliant post over at Lotts and Lots with some tips.
And so to this month. For me, November is all about hibernation, cosying down, watching far too much dreadful TV and enjoying the long evenings. I have chosen to style my bedside table as it is a surface I often ignore and it is much more functional than anything else. However, it is the last surface I see when I go to bed at night and the first I see when I wake up in the morning and since styling it I have really noticed a difference. I have tried to make it ‘cosier’ by adding more ‘stuff’, in a restrained way because I do hate clutter. November is all about warmth, tea, books, blankets and candles burning non-stop (I light them as soon as I wake up). I have tried to inject a bit of colour in to the styling as I always associate November with fireworks, and Bonfire Night is always something we celebrate as it is my sister’s birthday. Aqua and turquoise are my favourite colours so I went on a hunt around my house to collect a group of items of that colour.

I was given this blue Hydrangea three weeks ago for my birthday. I can not get over how beautiful it is and still is, weeks later.

The lovely cup is from Decorator’s Notebook and the candle is from West Elm – Geranium and Ivy.

I love this vintage Burleigh plate and the flowers remind me of fireworks, which is always a night we celebrate because it is my sister’s birthday. I’m also big into match boxes (I know that sounds weird) and when I saw these Hay matches I had to have them.

Photograph by Katharine Peachey
What does November mean to you? Charlotte and I would love to know and see your styled surfaces. It is such a lovely thing to stop, reflect and re-style a surface in your home, clearing what was a dumping ground – I promise it will make you smile every time you walk by or sit and look at it so please do join in! Tag me and Lotts and Lots and use the hashtag #StylingTheSeasons – either write a blog post or post on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Happy November styling everybody!
Katy x
P.S. Charlotte and I are particularly excited about this month as we have invited the bloggers that we reached out to in August to help us launch Styling the Seasons in September. They all did such wonderful blog posts about it, which encouraged so many others to get involved. To say thank you, we have organised a craft party at Liberty next week so watch out for the photos of the lovely makes. These are the invites we sent out for the event. Charlotte suggested the books, which work perfectly as they are great props for styling and most are connected to nature and the seasons. I made the little tags and packed them all off…

Pictures L to R: Littlegreenshed, Growing Spaces, Lobster and Swan, The Planned Adventure
I cant wait to join in properly this month…. I made it by the skin of my teath for Octobers lol. Such a great interactive session to join in on, and meet like-minded people.
Thank you for thinking it up!
Emma x
I can’t wait to see your November shot, Emma. I loved October’s – so creative! Thank you so much for joining in x
Oh you put my bedside table to shame! I am so going to have to declutter in the morning and make it more appealing to look at! I love the book stack also. Mine always has a stack of books but not that artfully placed!
I always find that having a book stack is actually quite practical because it adds height and you can place something on it that you want to access easily and that way you are less likely to knock other stuff over – or maybe I am just really clumsy and other people don’t have to worry about such things 😉 x
Can you please tell me where your bed is from? I’ve been looking for one like that for ages. Thank you.
Hi Marta. It’s from Loaf and it’s called Coco – here’s the link: http://loaf.com/products/coco-bed x
That looks lovely – but how on earth do you get up in the morning without an alarm clock?!
I never set an alarm anymore, Louise! It’s bliss!
Oh your bedside table looks gorgeous and I can’t believe your hydrangea is still going strong after so many weeks! Such a pretty colour too!
My #stylingtheseasons post for November (my first month!) is scheduled to go out tomorrow morning. I’m really excited to take part and I hope you like it! I love the invites to your craft party too – a definite RSVP YES kind of invite!
Oh yay, Kate! Can’t wait to see your post xx
Love the calm of your bedside and the blue of the hydrangea. I’ve just posted my November ‘styling the seasons’ after being inspired by some wild clematis! Emma x
I love yours, Emma! It’s beautiful – thank you so much for taking part x