It has been a busy week as I’ve tried to catch up on all the work I’ve not been able to do over the last three weeks. Now that I am officially off bed rest, life has gone from being incredibly boring to completely hectic in the blink of an eye. Another nicer change has been going out on dog walks again so that I can breath in the new season, kick dried leaves and enjoy wearing my wellies again; it’s quite incredible how much the outdoors has changed in the space of three weeks. This week has been rather beautiful in London, for the most part, with golden, low light and some amazing blue skies. So, I decided that you should look no further this weekend for inspiration than the wondrous Styling the Seasons photographs for October. Not only do they beautifully reflect the change of season, but I love the freshness of a newly styled surface; I honestly think it has the power to refresh a whole room. You don’t need to buy anything new, all you have to do is wander around your home and pick out some of the objects you like best that may not be shining as much as they should be. Bring your favourite objects together and create a new display on one of your surfaces, be it your coffee table, mantelpiece, sideboard or shelf. You could even add some nature – conkers, leaves, foliage, flowers. I promise you, it will be worth it and it’s not as hard as it looks, just try not to think about it too much (there are some more tips for you here). Here’s some inspiration from some of the lovely folk who have already taken part in #stylingtheseasons…

Image from @thislittlecorner on Instagram. Her feed is absolutely beautiful.

Image from Lapin Blu. Sarah-Lou’s blog post is one of my favourite posts this month.

Image from Littlegreenshed. I’m in love with Lou’s home and her October Styling the Seasons blog post is gorgeous – always such inspiring use of nature.

Image from @cirlceofpines Instagram. Laura’s photographs and styling are stunning (I also really want that allumettes box!).

Image from @lobsterandswan Instagram. Jeska’s styling is always effortlessly beautiful and organic and it always inspires me.

Image from @catesthill Instagram. I really love this collection of beautiful objects and the colour palette.
There are so many more that I love that you must see by searching for #stylingtheseasons on: Instagram, Facebook or Twitter or visit my Pinterest board, which will take you through to the lovely blog posts that have been written. Have a go, be creative, experiment and enjoy! That sounds like the best kind of Sunday to me.
Katy x
Gosh, thanks so much for including mine, Katy! I love all the ones you’ve picked~they have such a beautiful feel about them.
This project has really made me look at our surfaces in a different way, and it really does make a huge difference in our home. Thank you & thanks, Lottie xx
I love your styling, Sarah-Lou! I like the colour palette of these images – very calming and serene. I suppose the challenge is keeping surfaces at home looking beautiful when there is so much daily debris that gets dumped around. A constant battle but well worth trying to stay on top of! x
Just popping by from Instagram to check out these fabulous #StylingtheSeasons photos. I am in awe of the many talented bloggers out there. It’s all quite new to me, but I am loving how much fun it is to breathe new life into a surface, by shopping the home for items and pulling them together to a seasonal display!
I love the phrase ‘shopping the home’ – describes styling the home so perfectly. Thank you for the comment, sorry it’s taken me so long to respond as we’ve had no internet for nearly two weeks! So glad Styling the Seasons has been inspiring and I loved your styled surface too x