Win a living room makeover

*This giveaway has now closed *

The winner is Lucy who was nominated by her husband, Anthony (all the heart eyes!). My romantic side got the better of me when I picked the winner – congrats, Lucy!

I know I go on a bit about my room makeovers but it’s only because I get so excited about making a space feel like new, either with relatively small touches or much bigger changes. My living room makeover is very nearly done (still waiting for a couple of new pieces of furniture) and it has made my home feel like new. I am beyond excited about the fact that I can now offer YOU a living room makeover with the lovely folks over at DFS. Eeeek!

DFS Zinc sofa | Mid-century style | Win a living room makeover | French Connection sofas | Apartment Apothecary

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we would like you to nominate an inspirational woman in your life (whether it be your best friend, partner, sister, daughter, mother, neighbour) for the chance to win a new look for their living room. I have chosen four collections of furniture from DFS that I love (GIVE ME THAT PINK SOFA NOW!) and it was ridiculously difficult to choose just four – gutted I couldn’t include this sofa too. The lucky winner can select the collection that they like best as well as sending me a few snaps of their living room and I will help them place the new furniture and suggest ways to make the whole room look better. Once the makeover is complete I will then post some photos of the new look room here on my blog.

Are you as excited as I am yet?! Check out the amazing sofas available at DFS – one of these could be yours…

Pink velvet Bailey sofa from DFS | Win a living room makeover | Apartment Apothecary



Monocrome sophistication

I love the clean lines of this sofa designed by French Connection and the touches of black in the legs and cushions bring an air of sophistication. The bronze table frame adds a bit of glamour – I feel the need to be on that sofa right now drinking a cocktail!

DFS Quartz sofa | Mid-century style | Win a living room makeover | French Connection sofas | Apartment Apothecary

1. Quartz chaise sofa in grey (size and shape of sofa your choice)  2. Swirl rug in charcoal 3. Opaque lamp table

Pink dream

This literally is my pink dream and I hope it is yours too! I’m imagining us all in a cottage somewhere with this beautiful Bailey sofa, footstool and an open fire – I mean, what else would one need in life? Keep this furniture fresh and modern with crisp white walls or soft greys, neutral flooring and dots of bolder colour from vases filled with flowers. Heaven.

Pink velvet Bailey sofa from DFS | Win a living room makeover | Apartment Apothecary

1. Bailey velvet sofa in dusty pink 2. Bailey velvet small footstool  in dusty pink 3. Blackford rug in sterling.

Mid century modern

Retro lovers out there this chaise sofa with mid-century style legs would be the perfect addition to your home. Combine it with pops of bold mustard, orange, green or blue and an original teak sideboard would finish off the look brilliantly.

DFS Zinc sofa | Mid-century style | Win a living room makeover | French Connection sofas | Apartment Apothecary

1. Eiffel armchair in white 2. Zinc chaise sofa in grey with light legs (size and shape of sofa your choice) 3. Trio nest of tables 4. Wall rug in gold.

Coastal whites

For those of us who like to escape into white tranquility I have chosen this beautifully simple Slate sofa and armchair. I’m imagining a coastal feel in this room with lots of white, raw wood, neutral ceramics and wild flowers. You could also add an accent colour to lift the look – perhaps blue to add to the coastal feel.

DFS Slate sofa | White on white | Win a living room makeover | French connection sofas | Apartment Apothecary

1. Slate armchair in white 2. Slate two seater sofa in white 3. Swirl rug in bleach 4. Cabrilo lamp table

To enter

Decide who you would like to nominate (or ask someone to nominate you) and leave a comment on this post telling me why that woman is an inspiration to you and why you would like them to win a room makeover. I will choose the winner on March 22nd and announce it here on my blog. The winner will need to send me a few pics of their living room ‘before’ and ‘after’ because we all know how much I love those!

I can not wait to hear about the special women in your lives and good luck.

Katy x

*Thank you to DFS for collaborating on this fun project.



– Competition closes on March 22nd at midday.
– Open to residents of mainland UK only.
– The winner agrees to sending me pictures of their living room so that I can give them advice on ways to improve the room. They also agree to sending me a few snaps of the living room once the furniture has been delivered and the room makeover is complete.
-This prize is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for monetary value; No cash alternatives to the stated prize will be offered.
– One nomination per person.

A London staycation

The problem with living in London, and always having done, is that you can take this amazing city for granted. You stay at home instead of exploring, you stick to your locals rather than travelling around too much, you think you know somewhere so well but actually places are always changing and there are new things to discover.

Last Sunday when I was offered a stay at the Thistle City Barbican with my mum for an early Mother’s Day treat I jumped at the chance because I knew I’d only be spending the afternoon at home and where’s the fun in that? It was an opportunity to spend a bit of uninterrupted time with my mum and relax a stone’s throw away from home.

A London staycation | Mother's Day with Thistle | Barbican | Apartment Apothecary

I met my mum in the lobby of the hotel and we dumped our bags and went for a stroll in the late afternoon sun. The streets were dead, the blossom was out on the trees and we wandered over to the Barbican centre.

A London staycation | Mother's Day with Thistle | Barbican | Apartment Apothecary

I have always loved this huge austere place and its dreary concrete. It’s a bit of a magical haven in the middle of the city and I would give pretty much anything to live in one of the amazing flats that over look the water here.

A London staycation | Mother's Day with Thistle | Barbican | Apartment Apothecary

We then met up with my sister, who also lives just down the road, and we went for a lovely early supper. It felt so relaxing to be eating out on a Sunday night knowing that we were going to fall in to the Barbican cinema afterwards and fall in to a hotel bed after that.

A London staycation | Mother's Day with Thistle | Barbican | Apartment Apothecary

The film finished late at about 11pm and we walked the short distance back to the hotel and did not see another person or a car – honestly, this part of  London is a ghost town on Sundays. Our beds were comfy and the room silent so I slept very well, which never happens when I’m away from home!

In the morning we had a swim and a steam in the hotel’s spa (the perfect way to start a Monday morning!).

A London staycation | Mother's Day with Thistle | Barbican | Apartment Apothecary

We didn’t have to check out until midday so we took our time over a full breakfast, chatted, drank coffee and I leisurely checked my emails in bed rather than rush home to my desk – why can’t every Monday morning be like that?

A London staycation | Mother's Day with Thistle | Barbican | Apartment Apothecary

Thank you so much to Thistle hotels for the stay and the chance to take a bit of time out of normality. The only problem is my mum is going to expect this every year from now on!

Katy x

Styling the Seasons – March

Welcome March and the return of Spring! One of the things that I love most about this time of year is that the mornings are brighter and I feel like I can reclaim hours in the day that were otherwise lost to me over the winter. Productivity levels go up and energy returns as everything comes to life once again.

Styling the Seasons - March | Apartment Apothecary | Indoor bulbs | Plants under cloche

This month is set to be a busy one, full of celebrations starting with my Dad’s partner’s 70th birthday this week (happy birthday, Shirley!), Mother’s Day, a special weekend getaway for my mum’s 70th, Easter and then my friend’s wedding at the end of the month. Lots of parties, presents and having a good time. Hopefully, we will see more of the sunshine and that special Spring feeling that is so hard to describe in words.

Styling the Seasons - March | Apartment Apothecary | Indoor bulbs | Plants under cloche

I did this month’s styling a couple of weeks ago as I was doing an Instagram takeover for HomeSense with a ‘Getting ready for Spring’ theme. I bought these cloches for £5 each and I love how they make a humble pot of Spring bulbs shine – they’d be perfect for an Easter table centrepiece. Just don’t leave them under glass for too long!

Styling the Seasons - March | Apartment Apothecary | Indoor bulbs | Plants under cloche

Charlotte and I would love for you to join us this month and style a surface in your home to show what this month means to you. Blog about it or post a picture on your favourite social media platform and tag us in so we can see.

Happy March styling everyone!

Katy x

February: A review

February seems to be the busiest and quickest of all the months; catching up after the slowness of January but not feeling that there are quite enough days in the month to do so. This month has been a bit of a blur and we are still all out of routine because the kitchen is only just finished and our sitting room is still completely empty asides from a beautiful new Ercol coffee table. Our new sofa was supposed to arrive mid-January but it has been delayed until mid-March so we are still in weird decorating limbo. I start a new round of IVF in a couple of weeks and had hoped to have everything sorted and done by then but the best laid plans and all that. So, February was all about trying to tie up loose ends and getting organised but it looks as though that process will continue into March.

This month I fell in love with all the blossom pinks and soft greys that lots of you were using to style your homes. As soon as I saw Lori’s Styling the Seasons post I fell in love with the muted colours and how calm her bedroom looks.

Styling the Seasons - February  | Wild and Grizzly

Image via Wild & Grizzly

I also have to mention Heather’s post, which is so beautiful and the light in her photographs is just wondrous. The words in Ruth’s post really struck a chord with me and you should definitely take a read here.

There was styling inspiration galore from all of these posts this month, too:

The Twinkle DiariesRainbeaubelle | Wild and Grizzly | The Lovely Drawer | Let’s talk Mommy | The Ordinary Lovely | We Made This Home | Tea with Ruby | Growing Spaces | Marmalade Pie | Gathered Cheer | littlemaldod | The Villa on Mount Pleasant | Inside Out & About |  Lotts and Lots | Apartment Apothecary

You can also see thousands more images by exploring the #StylingTheSeasons hashtag on instagram – thank you to everyone who joined in this month. There are now far too many each month for us to ‘like’ or comment on but I promise we do look at them all!

I will be back tomorrow with my Styling the Seasons post for March.

Katy x


For my mum

This week has been crazy busy but in the middle of the chaos I managed to sneak in a lovely little afternoon at my mum’s house for an early Mother’s day celebration. We were joined by the beautiful Katharine Peachey and her brand new baby Peach and whilst he gurgled and snoozed we ate and laughed and exchanged a gift or two. Katharine took some beautiful photos of me and my mum that day that I would love to share with you.

VQ Emma Bridgewater radio | Photographed by | Mother's Day celebration | Apartment Apothecary

I was born in London and we moved to the house in south west London where my mum still lives when I was about 12. I’m lucky that both my parents and one of my sisters all live so close to me and I can call on them whenever I need to. I’m also lucky because my mum is amazing; it is her 70th birthday next month but you would never believe it if you met her. As far back as I can remember she has always been the life and soul of the party and her cackling laughter is legendary. She is also a complete beauty.

VQ Emma Bridgewater radio | Photographed by | Mother's Day celebration | Apartment Apothecary

My mum is not interested in routine or getting caught up in the boring details of life: she loves to travel, she loves spending time with her friends but more than anything she loves me and my two sisters (and Phoebe, her dog, who is our fourth sister!). It’s easy to take for granted how lucky we are to have a mum who would literally do anything for us.

VQ Emma Bridgewater radio | Photographed by | Mother's Day celebration | Apartment Apothecary

We have an exciting long weekend planned for my mum’s 70th in a couple of weeks but I also wanted to give her a special gift this Mother’s Day and this Hepburn Mk II Pink Hearts radio from VQ, that is being sold exclusively in John Lewis, makes the perfect present. I now need to figure out a way of explaining the whole Blue Tooth speaker thing to her 😉

VQ Emma Bridgewater radio | Photographed by | Mother's Day celebration | Apartment Apothecary

If you would like to win a VQ radio to give your mum you can comment on this blog post or on social media using the hashtag #MyHeroMum. Just tell us about your mum and why she deserves her own Pink Hearts radio. You could even share a photo of her, too! The winner will be selected at random on Sunday 6th March and the competition will close at 12pm on the day.

VQ Emma Bridgewater radio | Photographed by | Mother's Day celebration | Apartment Apothecary

VQ Hepburn radio available at John Lewis.

Thank you, mum, for everything that you do and all the love that you give. Happy Mother’s day!

Katy x


*Written in collaboration with VQ. All images by Katharine Peachey.