Vegetarian Chinese pancakes

A cliche, I know, but I have resolved to eat healthier food this year. In my house, Jules does the majority of the cooking but in his own words he is a ‘recovering vegetarian’, which basically means he is making up for not eating meat for seventeen years by now eating meat with every single meal. This causes a bit of tension between us because I’m not mad about meat and in many ways I think it makes our meals higher in fat and calories (plus I worry about the environmental and ethical issues involved in eating meat). Therefore, I have decided to take a bit more control in the kitchen and do the majority of the cooking this year. I am really pleased to be getting involved in the #EatWell campaign with Robert Welch this month and taking part in their meat-free Monday challenge – a gentle push for Jules to try more meals without meat and my chance to convince him that they can be delicious as I think he has suffered really poor vegetarian food made up mainly of wishy washy tomato based sauces and pasta with pesto.

I was lucky enough to be invited along to the Waitrose Cookery School last month with the lovely Robert Welch team, who supply the knives, cooking utensils and cutlery at the schools, to learn a new vegetarian recipe that was delish! It was also a really fun evening and I would definitely recommend it to anyone wanting to learn new recipes or it would be a great thing to do with a friend. You can enter to win a voucher for the cookery school here.

#EatWell with Robert Welch | Waitrose Cookery School | Apartment Apothecary

The chef at the school does a demonstration of the recipe and then you get to taste what they make. That evening we were making butternut squash, duxelles and goat cheese pies with a chestnut cream and seared lettuce – so yummy and I now want seared lettuce with everything!

#EatWell with Robert Welch | Waitrose Cookery School | Apartment Apothecary

We were then set loose in the kitchen and I partnered with lovely Holly who is running the #EatWell campaign for Robert Welch and we didn’t do a bad job.

#EatWell with Robert Welch | Waitrose Cookery School | Apartment Apothecary

We then sat down together and ate the dinner we had made – such a lovely evening!

#EatWell with Robert Welch | Waitrose Cookery School | Apartment Apothecary

It inspired me to conjure up my own meat-free recipe (that was actually inspired by a beef recipe by Nigella Lawson that I made for a dinner party before Christmas and I used the same combination of flavours for the marinade). My best friend has also decided to go vegan so I had her in mind when I tried out this recipe.

This is what I look for in a healthy week night meal:

– it has to be quick

– not too many ingredients

– easy to source ingredients

– not too high in fat or calories

– I don’t like using too many pots and pans (I hate too much cleaning up!)

My recipe for vegetarian Chinese pancakes ticks all of these boxes and and it is flipping delicious.

#EatWell with Robert Welch | Vegetarian Chinese pancakes | Apartment Apothecary

My Robert Welch Signature Cook’s Knife is perfect for meal prep.


(to make about 8-10 pancakes)

400g mushrooms – choose any mushroom that you like but you can’t go wrong with bog standard button or chestnut

2 tbsp rice wine – you can buy this from any supermarket and it’s a great thing to have in your cupboard for other Asian inspired recipes.

5 tbsp soy sauce

1 tsp five spice

1 tbsp sesame oil

To serve:

Chinese pancakes – I bought mine from Waitrose via Ocado and they only cost £1 for 10.

Lettuce – I prefer little gems or iceberg for this recipe.

Spring onions


Hoisin sauce – you will need about half a teaspoon per pancake.

Vegetarian Chinese pancake recipe | #EatWell with Robert Welch | Meat free Mondays | Apartment Apothecary


1. Place the rice wine, soy sauce, sesame oil and five spice powder into a large bowl. Slice the mushrooms and add them to the marinade. Make sure they are all covered and then cook in a large frying pan on a high heat. You need to cook the mushrooms for a good ten minutes until the sauce and the liquid from the mushrooms themselves has gone and the mushrooms begin to dry out and caramelise. Take them off the heat at this point and they are ready to be served.

2. Slice the spring onions and cucumber lengthways and chop up the lettuce. Serve in individual bowls with a bowl of hoisin sauce. Heat the pancakes according to the instructions on the pack (usually just a few secs in the microwave).

3. On each pancake spread a thin layer of hoisin sauce, lay a few pieces of cucumber, onion and lettuce and then add the mushrooms. Roll it up and enjoy!

These make a great light evening meal or would be perfect for a dinner party starter. The best thing is that Jules was actually excited about trying them because they don’t look like the bowl of ‘vegetarian sludge’ he often refers to. Will you join us in trying out meat-free Mondays? Do you have any great veggie recipe ideas? If you need more inspiration check out the Robert Welch blog for upcoming recipes and search the #EatWell and #RobertWelch hashtags.

Happy weekend everyone!

Katy x

P.S. All photos taken on my iPhone – I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before but cooking and photography don’t mix too well in my world 😉

Home office makeover tips with Inkifi

What are your house resolutions this year? If you have plans to do a home office makeover, or simply want to add a few finishing touches, do pop over to Inkifi‘s blog this week as I have written my top tips. I also talk about some different ways to use printed photos in your office to make it more of a personal space, instead of just purely practical.

Home office makeover tips with Inkifi | Scandi inspired work space | Apartment Apothecary

I love printing out my photos and Inkifi offer some brilliant different formats and they are beautiful quality. Here is a peek at some of the photographs I have had printed and what I have done with them…

Home office makeover tips with Inkifi | Apartment Apothecary

In an effort to be more organised I made some Mini prints into labels to stick on to storage boxes – so handy to have the images so I know exactly what is in each box.

Home office makeover tips with Inkifi | Apartment Apothecary

I had a few Postcards made up including this image that Katharine Peachey took at our Styling Spring At Mine event last year. It is so wonderful having beautiful memories in print dotted round the room.

Home office makeover tips with Inkifi | Apartment Apothecary

I made up a couple of Photostrips featuring some of my best blogger pals and have attached them to my pegboard.

Home office makeover tips with Inkifi | Apartment Apothecary

I couldn’t resist an Instagram framed print of Otto to make my work space more personal.

Home office makeover tips with Inkifi | Apartment Apothecary

All ready for a new year with a new beautiful planner, stuffed with notes, reminders, and Square prints of happy days last year.

Do pop over to Inkifi’s blog to see and read more, especially if you want to improve your work space in 2016 – there are lots of other really beautiful posts over there so it’s well worth a visit.

Katy x


Houseology giveaway

A new year, new beginnings and new house resolutions. You know, finishing off the odd jobs that have been forgotten over time, de-cluttering, moving furniture around or spending the time needed to choose new additions to your home. To help you on your way, I have teamed up with my favourite homewares store, Houseology, to giveaway £300 to spend on anything from their glamourous Eicholtz range. Found in some of the world’s finest hotels and residences, the Eichholtz collection spans all interior styles so I am sure you will find something that you love.

I have been thinking about my living room makeover a lot over the holidays and I have realised I need to add a bit of black into the mix as I find this really helps to add contrast to a white interior and it has the power to ground any colour scheme. If you are ever in the position where you feel a room in your home feels a bit wishy washy or disjointed, try adding a dose of black to help bring it all together; whether it be a cushion, rug, picture frame, mirror – anything will do, but such a simple touch has the power to lift a whole room.

So, here are some of my favourite choices from Houseology’s Eicholtz range…

All you have to do to enter this fab giveaway is to complete the Raffelcopter widget below and I will announce the winner back here on Tuesday 12th January.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck and fingers crossed!

Katy x


T&C’s: Giveaway closes at midnight on Monday 18th January 2016; You must be a UK resident to be eligible for this competition; This voucher code is valid on items within the Eichholtz category only; Free UK delivery will apply for your purchase; Voucher code is valid for one single transaction only, even where the full available balance is not met. Any value not used within one transaction will be forfeit; This prize is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for monetary value; No cash alternatives to the stated prize will be offered; Valid until 31st December 2016.

Styling the Seasons – January 2016

Keeping it simple, stripping back, blowing out the cobwebs, refreshing and rejuvenating; this is what January means to me. One of the ways I try to motivate myself at the start of a new year is by having a clear, bright space, free of clutter – my way of taking control, I guess. The Christmas decorations are gone, the celebrations are over and the big clean up has begun and it’s time to move on and try to find the positive…

Styling the Seasons - January | White Hyacinths | Indoor bulbs | Vintage blue and white china planters | Apartment Apothecary

Styling the Seasons - January | Apartment Apothecary

Styling the Seasons - January | White Hyacinths | Indoor bulbs | Vintage blue and white china planters | Apartment Apothecary

Styling the Seasons - January | White Hyacinths | Indoor bulbs | Vintage blue and white china planters | Apartment Apothecary

Styling the Seasons - January | White Hyacinths | Indoor bulbs | Vintage blue and white china planters | Apartment Apothecary

And what could be more simple than white Hyacinths against a white curtained window, which is open to blow out the old and bring in the new.

What does January mean to you? Charlotte and I would love to know and see your styled surfaces. It is such a worthwhile process to stop, reflect and re-style a surface in your home, clearing what was a dumping ground, especially after all the festivities and house guests. Tag me and Lotts and Lots and use the hashtag #StylingTheSeasons – either write a blog post or post a pic on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

Happy January styling everybody and i hope you have the most wonderful 2016!

Katy x


December 2015: a review

Wow, so that’s 2015 done and dusted. I can vividly remember sitting in a cottage in Wales on this day a year ago and feeling pretty apprehensive about the year to come and I have to say it’s definitely not been the best although I’m forcing myself to see the positives. In many ways this blog of mine is what has kept me focused and more importantly I have met and made friendships with the most wonderful group of fellow bloggers, who I chat to every day and laugh with (usually via emojis) many times a day. Thank you to those beauties.

I hope I can learn from 2015 to focus more on the positives and try as hard as I can not to become overwhelmed by what I don’t have. I want to thank the hundreds of people who commented, emailed or messaged me after this post. I am still struggling with the words to respond to as many of you as I can but I would really like to say that your kind words, thoughts and recounting your own experiences helped so, so much and I don’t think I will ever be able to express my gratitude as well as I would like to.  2016 is going to be a challenging year for us but I hope I can maintain a positive outlook throughout and who knows, maybe we will have some good news by the end of it.

I am currently with a group of my best friends in Norfolk, cooking up a storm in readiness for a feast this evening but to end the year I want to share my favourite Styling the Seasons shot that I fell in love with as soon as I saw it. I absolutely love it in every way. Katie’s living wreath set against that amazing colour of her front door (major front door envy over here!) is to die for.

KT Robbins Ceramics | Christmas succulent wreath

Image via KT Robbins Ceramics blog. Pop over to her post to find out how she made this stunning wreath.

There were nearly 3000 posts over on IG this month. Do have a little explore of the hashtag #StylingTheSeasons – they’re too good! These beautiful blog posts were also written and styled:

Mummy LimitedKT Robbins Ceramics | The Villa on Mount PleasantBrit Decor | A Quiet Style | Growing Spaces | The Lovely Blog | The Ordinary Lovely | The Lovely Drawer | Owl and Accordion | Candy Pop | Tea with RubyLotts and Lots | Apartment Apothecary

I hope you all have the most wonderful time this evening, in whichever way you choose to celebrate; personally, I feel a sense of achievement if I make it to midnight these days! I will be back on January 4th with my Styling the Seasons post for January after I have got home from Norfolk and cleared away the remaining few bits of Xmas debris.

Thank you for all of your wonderful support by reading, commenting, sharing and trying out some of my ideas in 2015. New Year’s kisses all round!

Katy xxx