String shelving system by Nils Strinning

I told you all about my home office inspiration in my last post and the String shelving system was at the top of my temptation list. String is the original shelving system designed by the Swedish architect Nils Strinning in 1949. He was one of the leading mid-twentieth century designers who built the foundation of what we now call ‘Scandinavian design’.

And guess what? I’ve just started my collection! I call it a collection because that is how I see it: there is no way we could afford to buy a whole wall of String immediately but you can start off small and add to it over time. That is the beauty of it; when more shelf space is needed, simply add an additional side panel and some shelves. As well as shelves there are cabinets with sliding doors, cabinets with drawers, a desk surface, magazine rack and a new folding table. All of the different components fit together and can be repositioned and the dimensions of the system have not changed since 1949. Let’s put it this way, Jules is never going to struggle to work out what to buy me for my birthday from now on.

I’m currently waiting for our order from Haus and I know Skandium also stock String. In the meantime, I wanted to share some shelf styling ideas as I know that can be a bit of a stumbling block for a lot of us (or is that just me?)…


String shelving can look stream lined and clean in the kitchen and works just as well housing functional kitchen pieces or for displaying your favourite crockery.

String shelving system by Nils Strinning

Image from Simply Grove.

String shelving system by Nils Strinning

Image from Delikatissen.

Pocket String

If you want to start off small, the Pocket String is the perfect place to begin. They come in lots of different colours too.

String shelving system by Nils Strinning

Sold at Skandium for £113.


String is perfect for a home office as you can choose the configuration to suit your exact needs.

String shelving system by Nils Strinning

String shelving system by Nils Strinning

Image from Haus.

String shelving system by Nils Strinning

Image from Story North.

Living room

The String system will make anything you need to store look better (or just hide it away in the sleek cupboards).

String shelving system by Nils Strinning

Image from Haus.

Children’s room

The system works really well in a child’s room as it is extremely functional, robust and comes in colours to suit any surroundings.

String shelving system by Nils Strinning

Can not wait for mine to arrive!!!

Katy x

Home office inspiration

In my last post I wrote about getting rid of my guest room and my plan to create a dedicated work space using the whole room for both me and Jules. When I began my blog I very quickly realised that I needed a bigger workspace and so I did a cheap and cheerful home office makeover about a year ago, spending £150. At that time we kept the guest room double bed because my blog was very much a hobby so I didn’t need a huge amount of space and it meant we could maintain the luxury of a guest bed (plus, it was great to crawl into when I was doing a bit of hand sewing or just wanted a little afternoon nap – it always felt so much more comforting than our own bed).

However, I have now decided to try to develop my blog, make and sell some of my sewing projects and work with clients to try to improve their own homes so I  need a lot of extra space and storage. I don’t want to waste any of the time, effort and money we spent on creating my current work space and I also don’t want to make any permanent changes as life will probably change again sooner rather than later. So, I am giving myself a strict budget of £300, plus the £100 I sold our double bed for. This budget will need to cover:

– Desk chair for me:  £0

– 150 x 150cm desk for us to share: £75

– Storage shelves: £275

– Lighting: £65

– Flooring: £0

TOTAL: £415

Desk Chair

A very happy coincidence occurred the other day: I saw Aileen’s blog post about her new office on At Home In Love and ogled over her choice of desk chair and then I won a £100 Out There Interiors voucher as part of their Frame It Friday competition and they sell the same Eames style chair. Perfect! Budget remains in tact – thank you Out There Interiors!

Home office inspiration from At Home In Love blog

I love this Eames Style chair that forms part of Aileen’s new office on At Home In Love blog.

Home office inspiration

Image from Decor8 Flickr.


I’ve always loved the idea of having a square, central work table that can be completely flexible, you can walk round it, other people can sit round it with you, and you can access projects from different angles. That is what I want to create – Jules can have one side and I can have the other.

I am going to recycle and add to my current desk to ensure I don’t waste money on something we may need to change in a couple of years time. The top of the desk is a 220cm length of painted and varnished MDF that cost £40 to buy and paint. We are going to saw off 70cm from the end and buy another 150cm MDF length (£35), which will be supported by our two existing trestle legs, a set of drawers and four Ikea steel table legs for £40 to create a 150 x 150cm square desk that we will place in the middle of the room.

Home office inspiration

Image from Stadshem.

Home office inspiration

Image from Trendenser.


I really like the idea of hanging a pendant light over the desk; not only will this look great but I could hook it up so that it could be raised and lowered according to what I am working on, which makes it very practical. Loaf have got some lovely new pendant lamps as part of their new summer collection, which could be perfect at £65.

Home office inspiration

Loaf’s new ‘Workshop’ pendant lamp.

Home office inspiration

Image from Style Essentials Tumblr.

Home office inspiration

Image from Schlitzohren.


The bulk of my budget will be spent on a mid century shelving system for most of our storage needs. I’ve got my eye on one on eBay for £275 but I’m also so tempted by Nils Strinning string shelving system from Haus – I might be willing to spend my life savings!

Home office inspiration

Nils Strinning string shelving system from Haus.


I think I will do my new favourite trick and take up the carpet in the room and paint the MDF boards that are laid under the carpet, which won’t cost me anything as we have plenty of left over paint. I want to leave one wall completely bare and if there is a white painted floor this will make it like a mini-studio, perfect for shooting projects for the blog.

Home office inspiration

Image from Decor8 blog.

I’d better get on with it!

Katy x


Getting rid of the guest room

Such a controversial decision, it seems. I mentioned the idea to Jules a while ago, and although he generally doesn’t have particularly strong opinions about the design of our flat, he really took offence to the idea of getting rid of the double bed that sits there all year round, perfectly made up, looking a bit sorry for itself. When I mentioned it to family they also thought I was mad: “Why would you get rid of such a lovely luxury?”, “But what about all your visitors?”, “Why on earth would you do that?”.

We live in a two bedroom 75 square metre flat in Bermondsey and we’re very lucky: the flat is a stone’s throw from the river, we can walk into town, we have a huge communal roof terrace, balcony and a big, beautiful park on our door step. Very lucky indeed.

However, as time moves on more stuff is accrued, dogs get bigger, future babies become a consideration, and careers change, which impacts on the way we live in our home. As of September, Jules and I will both be working from home (eeeek!) after I made the decision to leave teaching to develop my blog, start making and selling and help others design their own homes. Living on a budget in London means you have to make compromises (relative, I know) and the guest room, a former luxury, has become a space we really need to use as a work room. Currently, it does house my desk and craft supplies along one wall but the bed takes up the majority of the room.

If we kept our beautifully made guest room bed my daily working life would be that much more difficult. I would have to scrabble around every day trying to find a surface large enough to cut fabric, a blank white wall to shoot a project or have to pack up everything each day instead of being able to leave out resources I need for an ongoing project, just so those six visitors per year can have a bedroom to themselves, instead of using our sofa bed in the sitting room. This may sound selfish to you, but it just sounds like common sense to me. I saw a property show the other day and the advice given to the woman in her twenties buying her first flat was: don’t push yourself financially to buy a two bedroom flat just so you can provide a bed for occasional visitors – with all the money you save you could put them up in the best hotel in town.

Anyhoo, my point is that I think it’s important when you live in a home for a while to step back, evaluate how life may or may not have changed and not be scared to make changes, if needed. I’ll share my ideas for the room in my next post.

Do you have a redundant guest room that could be put to much better use?

Katy x

Flowers in your home every day without spending a fortune

I have been inspired by my mother-in-law, Penny, to bring more flowers in to my home. She has the most amazing garden, which is filled with gorgeous blooms, so there is never a time that she doesn’t have some sort of floral arrangement in most rooms of her house. My lovely friend, Sara, follows me on Instagram and left this comment on one of my photos the other day: “Do you buy fresh flowers everyday???”. This got me thinking about some of the things I do to make sure there is always at least one vase of flowers in the house, despite the fact I probably don’t buy flowers more than twice a month and I never spend more than about £8 on any bunch I buy.

I promised Sara that I would share some tips on how to fill your home with flowers without having to spend an absolute fortune and to illustrate my point I am using lots of the Instagram photos that she may have seen in my feed.

Tip one: The basics

Im sure most people know all of this but when you make a flower arrangement, to make it last as long as possible, cut the stems diagonally so they can take in as much water as possible, change the water frequently and always remove the leaves – they should never be submerged in the water. Also, don’t over-crowd your flowers, allow them the space they need to survive as long as possible.

Tip two: Never buy bouquets

I learnt a long time ago that even though beautifully arranged bouquets of flowers look very tempting and seem like the easy option, they actually never look quite as good once they are unwrapped and they are not good value for money. When you buy flowers always choose your own, even if that can be a bit daunting. Don’t worry if you have the florist loitering behind you or you’re not sure which flowers go with which, just grab a few of anything you love the look of.

Tips for having lots of flowers around the house without spending a fortune

Always pick your own flowers – it’s much cheaper and they go a lot further.

Tips for having lots of flowers around the house without spending a fortune

I bought these flowers because my flat was being shot for a magazine. I wanted to make arrangements for every room of the house, which cost me £12 in total.

Tip three: Make a few small arrangements instead of one big one

If you want a glimpse of colour and cheer in most rooms, it is far easier to achieve this for less by creating several small arrangements, rather than one large one – something my mother-in-law does so well. If you worry about not having enough vases use jam jars, kilner jars, empty spice bottles, jugs, even a mug! Group flowers together by colour, size, texture or height or a complete mix: there are no rules. However, make sure you only include in any arrangement an odd number of stems i.e. 1,2,3,5,7,9 and so on (I know 2 is not an odd number but this is the only exception to the rule). This will always look better than an even number of stems. Also, cut your flowers to different heights as this will make a more interesting lokking arrangement.

Tips for having lots of flowers around the house without spending a fortune

From the bunch above, I managed to make these three smaller arrangements as well as…

Tips for having lots of flowers around the house without spending a fortune

…this one (which is in an empty cinnamon bottle) and…

Tips for having lots of flowers around the house without spending a fortune

…this one for the bedroom (a single rose can make just as much impact as a whole bunch)…

Tips for having lots of flowers around the house without spending a fortune

…and the main one in the green vase in my sitting room.

Tip four: Grow your own flowers

The best way to save money on flowers and to have a readily available supply is to grow your own. You do not need a garden for this, a small outdoor space will do, but you need to choose what you grow carefully. I have two Hydrangea plants on my balcony because I know they will give me flowers throughout summer and when you cut them, they last for ages – cut them at an angle, put them straight into cold water and if you have extra time and energy a spritz with water on the petals is a good idea as they feed through their petals. I also grow a Lavender plant, which is very hardy, easy to look after and has lovely flowers throughout summer and gives scent to the home. Plant a container of wild flowers, too, if you can, as they make the most beautiful, rustic arrangements during spring when not a lot else is in flower. Don’t be afraid to use herbs in your floral arrangements as these are really easy to grow and add an unexpected element to a posie – I use Mint, Rosemary, Sage and Thyme.

Tips for having lots of flowers around the house without spending a fortune

Grow as much as you can yourself – these are my Hydrangeas on my balcony that have already started giving me flowers this year!

Tips for having lots of flowers around the house without spending a fortune

I made a May Day posie this year using just flowers and herbs from my balcony – Hydrangeas, Cornflowers, Forget-me-nots, Lavender, Mint and Rosemary.

Tips for having lots of flowers around the house without spending a fortune

Wild flowers are a great thing to grow as they provide flowers in the spring that can be used for teeny tiny arrangements or something more rustic like my May Day posie.

Tips for having lots of flowers around the house without spending a fortune

I love this collection of wild flowers I picked from my balcony – beautifully photographed here by Katharine Peachey.

How to make Liberty print pillowcases

More wild flowers with a few Grape Hyacinths that I grew indoors.

Tips for having lots of flowers around the house without spending a fortune

I picked these this week from my balcony before friends came over for dinner. They would have cost a fortune if I’d bought them.

Tips for having lots of flowers around the house without spending a fortune

Don’t be afraid to break apart a large bloom and create a teeny tiny floral feature, which can have a really big impact.

Tips for having lots of flowers around the house without spending a fortune

Just add one stem to a vintage bottle – just as nice as a whole bunch of flowers.

Annie Sloan chalk paint Ikea hack

I always grow Sweet Peas as they produce so many flowers and they smell amazing! During the Sweet Pea season I have a vase full everyday.

Tip five: Recycle

Keep an eye on your floral arrangements, don’t just leave them to languish. If a stem is dying take it out and throw it away leaving the rest to continue. If the head of a flower is fine but the stem has collapsed, remove the head and place in water in a bowl or tea cup – they can last for ages this way. Also, if you have a few small arrangements, when they start to fade salvage the freshest looking and bring them together to form a new arrangement that will last that bit longer.

Tips for having lots of flowers around the house without spending a fortune

When this gorgeous bunch of Ranunculus started to fade, I removed some of the soggy stems and salvaged the heads…

Tips for having lots of flowers around the house without spending a fortune

…pop them in a pretty tea cup or bowl and they will keep on giving for a few extra days.

Tip six: Plant bulbs indoors

Such an easy thing to do but adds so much colour and cheer and you have fresh flowers in your home for weeks for nothing! I did a tutorial about how to grow bulbs indoors so check it out.

Tips for having lots of flowers around the house without spending a fortune

Tips for having lots of flowers around the house without spending a fortune

So there you go, my six top tips for adding flowers to your home for a minimal amount of money. It may seem a lot of effort, but once you start getting in to flowers, it almost becomes a bit addictive and the joy of having even the smallest posie sitting next to you as you sleep, eat, watch TV or work is just wondrous.

Katy x

P.S. Sara, I expect a bunch of flowers for writing this for you. Just sayin’ 😉


Grand Designs Live – my top picks

A couple of weeks ago Jules and I trotted off to the Grand Designs Live show on a Sunday afternoon as I was kindly invited by John Lewis. He spent most of the afternoon looking at gadgets, we both had a fifteen minute massage in the £3000 massage chairs (they are surprisingly good and now Jules wants one for his office) and I poked around all the room sets.

Here are my top three picks from the show and some new products that I discovered and now want!

1. Ikea

When you get that ‘I’m totally done with Ikea’ feeling, along comes a new range or product that sucks you right back in. The new Fabrikor metal and glass cabinet, in the corner of this creative room set within the exhibition, is my new object of desire.

Grand Designs Live top picks

Grand Designs Live top picks

Fabrikor cabinet from Ikea £150.

2. Joined and Jointed

The best discovery I made at the show was Joined and Jointed. I am now totally in love with their beautifully crafted wooden furniture with a mid-century vibe. I nearly bought one of their desks there and then (you get large discounts on most of the products at this type of show) until Jules reminded me that we actually haven’t got enough room for a new desk. Gutted.

Grand Designs Live top picks

Grand Designs Live top picks

Homestation desk in Oak from Joined and Jointed £495.

3. John Lewis

John Lewis is my absolute ‘go-to’ for almost everything (I walk past it on the way to and from work everyday so I pretty much live in there). They were showcasing their fitted kitchens and large appliances at the show, as well as celebrating 150 years in the business. I loved their recreation of a kitchen they sold in the 1950’s and wish they still sold it! The kitchen was also scattered with retro accessories and my favourite was the steel bread bin that they are selling as part of their 150 years celebration; they have collaborated with longstanding suppliers to create some unique and exclusive commemorative products.

Grand Designs Live top picks

Grand Designs Live top picks

Wensco Steel Grandy bread bin from John Lewis £79.95.

What do you think about my top picks? Tempted by any of them?

Thanks again to John Lewis for the tickets.

Katy x