A couple of weeks ago Jules and I trotted off to the Grand Designs Live show on a Sunday afternoon as I was kindly invited by John Lewis. He spent most of the afternoon looking at gadgets, we both had a fifteen minute massage in the £3000 massage chairs (they are surprisingly good and now Jules wants one for his office) and I poked around all the room sets.
Here are my top three picks from the show and some new products that I discovered and now want!
1. Ikea
When you get that ‘I’m totally done with Ikea’ feeling, along comes a new range or product that sucks you right back in. The new Fabrikor metal and glass cabinet, in the corner of this creative room set within the exhibition, is my new object of desire.
2. Joined and Jointed
The best discovery I made at the show was Joined and Jointed. I am now totally in love with their beautifully crafted wooden furniture with a mid-century vibe. I nearly bought one of their desks there and then (you get large discounts on most of the products at this type of show) until Jules reminded me that we actually haven’t got enough room for a new desk. Gutted.

Homestation desk in Oak from Joined and Jointed £495.
3. John Lewis
John Lewis is my absolute ‘go-to’ for almost everything (I walk past it on the way to and from work everyday so I pretty much live in there). They were showcasing their fitted kitchens and large appliances at the show, as well as celebrating 150 years in the business. I loved their recreation of a kitchen they sold in the 1950’s and wish they still sold it! The kitchen was also scattered with retro accessories and my favourite was the steel bread bin that they are selling as part of their 150 years celebration; they have collaborated with longstanding suppliers to create some unique and exclusive commemorative products.

Wensco Steel Grandy bread bin from John Lewis £79.95.
What do you think about my top picks? Tempted by any of them?
Thanks again to John Lewis for the tickets.
Katy x
Love that John Lewis kitchen!
It’s amazing, isn’t it? I would totally buy it if they still sold it! 🙂
I bought a JL kitchen last year and I love it. It’s not quite as cute as that one though 🙂
My favourite part of the fitted JL kitchens, Sarah, was the under-sink drawer with special compartments for all the cleaning products etc. Genius!
I want that kitchen. Also love the bread bin. I’ve been eying up that cabinet for the bathroom.
Why don’t you buy me the kitchen, and I’ll buy you the bread bin?
Oh my, that IKEA cabinet is gorgeous. Actually, that home room looks lovely. Love the desk too – must have been so hard to walk away from. Leanne x
I think there may be some purchases on my horizon…
Now Katy, there’s ALWAYS room for a new piece of furniture. Next time take me not Jules (I will hire a van).
All we need is a van. Just imagine the possibilities…