What’s the best thing you’ve ever bought at IKEA? The next time you venture there, all you need to buy are these four items, which have helped me transform my kitchen storage issues:
1. BYGEL rail £2.

Attaching these rails to my pots and pans cupboard door to hold lids has stopped me screaming every time I open it. I can now find the right lid for the right pan. Do it, if you haven’t already.
2. VARIERA shelf insert £2.

These little shelves have doubled my cupboard capacity. Is it going too far to say they have changed my life?! You NEED to get these.
3. BEKVAM spice rack £3.

Attaching these spice racks to the inside of your food cupboard doors adds so much extra storage. They also makes things easier to see.
4. KNUFF magazine files £6.75.

Screwing these to the inside of kitchen cupboards adds space to store more bulky items like chopping boards, cleaning products etc.
I know this post is a bit dull (and I promise it is not sponsored by Ikea) but adding these items to my kitchen cupboards really has made a difference. Just wanted to share the storage love…
Katy x
Not a dull post at all – I actually love these kinds of posts!
Thanks for the helpful tips. Loving the pan lid one 🙂
Oh good, glad it’s helpful! I’m on a mission to sort out every cupboard in our flat – great fun! x
Pan lid storage idea is genius. Lids everywhere drive me insane! Love kitchen organisation. Thanks!
I know, I first saw it done at my mother in law’s house and thought, why doesn’t everyone know about this? You can also do it with a piece of strongish wire and hooks 🙂
I have serious cupboard envy. You are a genius, Katy O x
This is far from a dull post, in fact rather useful. 🙂 I LOVE being organised and you’ve listed some good and resourceful ways of doing so. The magazine file idea is especially interesting. 🙂 Must go to Ikea soon.
Leanne x
You are clever Katy O. You have surpassed yourself with this post. X
Saucepan lid shelves. Fantastic! Need to go to an Ikea. Never need shopping in one. Love all the storage ideas. Clever girl.
Genius! Have already started de-cluttering and culling inspired by your last post. Although the hubster has taken to culling vintage plates saying they don’t go in the dishwasher. After you have done your cupboards can you come and do mine please?
Very far from dull! I have added all 4 things to my list for my next trip to Ikea! Very happy to have found your blog x
Thanks Tracy! I would say enjoy Ikea, but that may be taking it a step too far 😉 Welcome to the blog x
Awesome ideas! You’re really brilliant!!!! There are cheap and fantastic solutions for my kitchen (and not only, I guess). You’ve just helped me make it more specious 🙂 I’m going to Ikea this week 😀
Thank you!
Glad you like these ideas! Enjoy Ikea 🙂
Great ideas :).
Thank you, Bianca 🙂
Where do you find screws short enough that they don’t go through the cabinet door?
Any hardware shop, Jennifer. Just make sure you know the depth of the doors and ask in store 🙂
Its awesome! It helps to keep things in proper way and handy as well thanks for the idea.
Definitely going to do the pots and pans lids holder – great idea!
Clever, practical, inexpensive, doable. Love finding ideas like this. THANX