Friday faves

This week has been mostly about clearing to-do lists and completing a couple of craft shoots. I have realised that as my blog has grown I’ve become a bit time poor and as a result…

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Made to Last

One of the things I have enjoyed most about starting a blog is discovering and meeting so many independent shopkeepers and makers. I love being able to introduce them to you as I know finding…

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Kitchen storage solutions: clever Ikea hacks

As I explained last week I lost a lot of images from older posts whilst meddling with my blog design (ooops!). Therefore, I have been spending my spare time trying to upload the original images…

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Friday faves

This week has finally felt like Autumn, hasn’t it? We’ve had such lovely walks with Otto crunching leaves underfoot and being able to see our breath. Boots and coat are firmly out and in use!…

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Selection of the best day beds

As I said in my nursery inspiration post, we definitely want a day bed in the baby’s room so I have started to have a look at some of the best options. There are a…

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