A bathroom refresh: tips for painting furniture

Have you ever seen a photograph of my bathroom? No, I didn’t think so. It’s the one room in our flat that I never let anyone photograph because it is dull as dishwater and worse…

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Friday faves

Hmmm, struggling a bit this week to think of things that have inspired me over the last few days. I kind of think that means I need a little break from my desk; I’ve worked…

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The Autumn Fair

I’ve already mentioned that I am looking forward to Autumn and that exciting ‘back to school’ feeling. It’s always a time for fresh starts and renewed inspiration, I find. For those of you who have…

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Vintage inspired sofas by G Plan

Is there anything better than choosing a new sofa? It is such an important purchase as a good one can completely transform a room – it’s as though it has magical powers. Without changing a…

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Friday faves

I have to admit I have been a bit baby obsessed this week. We’re into week 21 now and it suddenly feels all very real with baby kicking away and we found out the gender…

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