A first time buyer’s guide to kitting out a bedroom

I’ve been working with a client recently to help them furnish their very first home and it has reminded me of what a minefield it can be trying to figure out what you need, what…

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A week on my feet

I am joining in with Luxury Flooring‘s “A Week On My Feet” campaign, inspired by one of my favourite Instagram accounts #IHaveThisThingWithFloors. The aim is to document my week by taking a snap each day…

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Friday faves

I don’t know if it is the yellowing grass on our dog walks or the slight chill in the air in the evenings but I’ve been enjoying Autumnal colours, which are represented in my Friday…

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Flower arranging tips with M&S

I would love to be able to arrange flowers rather than just dumping them into a pretty vase and hoping for the best. So when I was invited along to a flower arranging workshop with…

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Friday faves

I used to write a weekend inspiration post each Friday, which I really enjoyed putting together so I’d quite like to bring that back. It’s nice to take a moment to reflect on my week…

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