Making a more flexible work space

Our home office was one of my favourite room makeover projects and we have both enjoyed using this space so much over the last couple of years. When we converted this space from a guest room it…

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A cooking challenge with Robert Welch

When I decluttered my kitchen the first thing I got rid of were the duplicates (why did I have three colanders, two tin openers and four different graters?), ALL the mugs, useless gadgets (they are…

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Finding inspiration from holiday homes

I often get asked where I find interiors inspiration and there is a great source that I always forget to mention, which is holiday homes. I’m pretty sure I have said this before but accommodation is always…

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Top 10 storage tips

I know it’s only been a few months since I declared my decluttering mission to be over but I have to admit that I *may* be back on it. The problem we have is that…

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Wedding inspiration

My little sister is getting married in a couple of weeks – yay! There has been lots of chat in the weeks and months leading up to the big day about how to make their…

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