Perfect picnicware

Do you know that it is national picnic week (obviously the weather didn’t get the memo)? I LOVE a good picnic no matter whether it is in the local park, in a field in the…

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Summer living with Urbanara

I know the weather this week isn’t looking great BUT I have faith the sun is going to be back soon so I can spend the rest of summer swinging in this luscious hammock from…

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Kitchen makeover reveal

I can honestly say that my ‘new’ kitchen looks and feels like a totally new space compared to before. We didn’t have the budget to make drastic changes and we had to do everything ourselves but…

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My favourite flowers for a cutting garden

Last week I was lucky enough to be taken to the Chelsea Flower Show by the lovely folks over at OKA. We spent such a fun couple of hours playing in store with their amazing…

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Styling the Seasons – June | Holly’s House giveaway

We are very excited about this month’s Styling the Seasons as we have teamed up with one of my absolute favourite shops, Holly’s House, who are offering our favourite June styled surface an amazing prize…

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