Hand printed Valentine’s posies

I would love to gift all my friends and myself a bunch of pretty flowers this Valentine’s day but cut flowers cost a lot! Therefore, I have tried to find a way of making a…

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Studio living

Nearly ten years ago the first property I bought was a 33 m2 studio flat in Borough, just down the road from where I am now. I thought it was the BEST THING EVER and…

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Spring clean in style

As we creep into Spring and say goodbye to Winter, although I’m not sure that we’ve had much of a winter in London as I have only felt the cold about three times, my mind…

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Rug placement

A day arrived a couple of years ago when Jules had taken Otto for a walk and he called me on the way home to warn me to line the hallway with towels leading straight…

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New Farrow & Ball colours

Last month I was very excited to be invited to a secret preview of the nine new Farrow & Ball colours with Joa Studholme, their International Colour Consultant. I arrived to the beautiful Albany apartments in…

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