Vegetarian Chinese pancakes

A cliche, I know, but I have resolved to eat healthier food this year. In my house, Jules does the majority of the cooking but in his own words he is a ‘recovering vegetarian’, which…

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Home office makeover tips with Inkifi

What are your house resolutions this year? If you have plans to do a home office makeover, or simply want to add a few finishing touches, do pop over to Inkifi‘s blog this week as…

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Houseology giveaway

A new year, new beginnings and new house resolutions. You know, finishing off the odd jobs that have been forgotten over time, de-cluttering, moving furniture around or spending the time needed to choose new additions…

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Styling the Seasons – January 2016

Keeping it simple, stripping back, blowing out the cobwebs, refreshing and rejuvenating; this is what January means to me. One of the ways I try to motivate myself at the start of a new year…

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December 2015: a review

Wow, so that’s 2015 done and dusted. I can vividly remember sitting in a cottage in Wales on this day a year ago and feeling pretty apprehensive about the year to come and I have…

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