Styling neutrals in your home

Ok, we need to talk about neutrals today. I’ve been thinking about colour a lot recently because I feel that my flat has become a home of two halves after recent room makeovers: the bedroom…

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Behind the scenes and DIY home studio tips

When I began my blog I had no idea how to take decent photographs in my home and it took me a long time to figure out how other bloggers did it. When I look…

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The perfect interior?

I came across this house the other day (it is a locations house which is why it is so pared down and there’s no ‘stuff’) and it stopped me in my tracks. I daydream on…

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Autumnal interiors

Since starting Styling the Seasons I have become so much more aware of changes I make at home with the change of each season; subtle tweaks and additions that make my home feel cosier, warmer and…

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Kitchen tiles

It was my birthday last week and I decided to treat myself to a new kitchen worktop (err, those things are expensive!!). I have a love/hate relationship with Ikea but I can’t help but admit…

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