Urban jungle bloggers: Plants and art

This month’s Urban Jungle Bloggers theme is plants and art and I have decided to keep it as simple as possible and let my beautiful new plant shine. I actually took these pics at my mum’s…

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Hosting airbnb guests

This summer we agreed to help out my mum and house/dog sit for her whilst she was away for nearly three weeks. She only lives down the road in south west London and our dog,…

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Vintage jumble & prop sale

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I’ve recently had a big clear out at home and managed to sell some stuff on eBay but also realised that this is really time consuming and can be quite…

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Kitchen makeover mood board

It wouldn’t be the start of a new season if I wasn’t embarking on yet another room makeover in my home. I did a kitchen re-style in the spring, which made me happier with how my…

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Ask Apartment Apothecary – Styling tips for your home or blog photographs

I have worked hard over the last two years of blogging to improve my styling skills through practise and trial and error. My strength lies in styling interiors to be photographed but there are general…

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