Tongue and groove panelling

I have always had a thing for tongue and groove wall panelling. I love the texture, the warmth and how much character it brings to a room. Having lived in new build flats since I…

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Tips for choosing the right sofa

I was on the precipice of buying a new sofa a couple of weeks ago. I couldn’t have been closer to hitting the ‘buy it’ button. Jules then caught sight of what I was doing…

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DIY poster hanger

I have been wanting to make one of these poster hangers for AGES but have put it off because I couldn’t find a proper tutorial that explained it well enough. Therefore, I had to do…

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Vintage jumble & prop sale

A group of us bloggers is holding a vintage jumble and prop sale on the afternoon of October 4th in Lindfield, West Sussex. We are looking for sellers to join us… Do you have any…

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Garden studio

As I said in my Styling the Seasons post this week I’ve been suffering with a bit of creative block recently. One of the things I do to relieve this is to buy lovely things…

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