Bathroom storage

Did you see the picture I posted on Instagram yesterday of my friend’s new bathroom floor? Well, I came home with a case of serious bathroom envy. This is my dream bathroom (with very similar…

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Christmas present wish list

Today’s post is all about my desire for more! These are *some* of the items on my wish list at the moment (I always have a wish list, it’s not just a Christmas thing) and…

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Styling the Seasons – December

It’s December – yay! Surely this is the month Styling the Seasons was made for! I’ve been so excited about this month’s edition because I worked on it during our wonderful Crafting the Seasons afternoon…

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November – A review

November has been the best month of 2014 for me. I’m sure this is in part because it has been in such stark contrast to the previous month’s bout of illness, but this month has…

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Apartment Apothecary shop

I am so excited about welcoming you to my shop today. How funny to hear myself saying I have a shop! Let me explain how works. It’s an online marketplace where tastemakers and makers work together…

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