Shop what i love

Let me tell you a bit more about how you can buy homewares and gifts directly from my blog. I am always asked where bits and pieces in my home are from either here or…

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A good night’s sleep: a mattress review

I have always wanted to be a better sleeper; I don’t have a problem getting to sleep but staying asleep is another matter. I have never, ever (not even as a teenager) had a proper…

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Personalised accessories with Zazzle

I have to be honest that when I see a ‘personalised’ category in an online shop I cringe a bit; it’s never been my cup of tea. However, I have to eat a big slice…

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Printing with Zeena and Papermash at the Town Hall Hotel

Last week was insanely busy both during the days and the evenings; add to that not having been at home for four weekends in a row and I feel like a bit of a hectic…

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I have cried every day for two years. Sometimes it’s just a tear or two in the shower or at my desk, so quiet and fleeting that I barely register it anymore. Other times it…

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