The Shopkeeper’s Home

One of the most common questions I get asked is where do I find interiors inspiration and my answer is always the same: real homes, styled interiors and shops. Last winter I visited a homewares…

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Bringing colour into your home

As you may have noticed, I am quite keen on white. My whole flat is painted in Dulux Brilliant White and I love it that way; it’s the perfect colour to bounce the light around…

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Our vintage jumble sale

It’s 10am and I am still very much in my pyjamas, totally exhausted after our Vintage Jumble Sale yesterday. It was so wonderfully busy and buzzy and we loved meeting everyone – such a fun…

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Postcards from Wales and The Cotswolds

I don’t normally share photos of us out and about but we managed to capture a couple of days of sunshine and joy so I couldn’t help myself. Although, if you’re not keen on the…

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Styling the Seasons – October 2015

When we arrived at The Welsh House last weekend, we were welcomed in by the most beautiful evening light that streamed through the beautiful windows in the cottage. I took the picture below pretty much…

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